You For Eternity

Chapter 1192: One double for a lifetime (171)

Li Yunyan's reaction was the slowest. The hand she reached out to grab only grabbed the corner of her wedding dress.

Zhan Yan slammed the brakes, "Miss Nianxin!!"

A few tens of meters away, I couldn't see the situation clearly, I could only see a white wedding dress in full bloom in a pool of red blood.

The days that should have been overjoyed, but were stained with blood.

In their ears, the words she had said before were always echoing in her heart--

I have to make a decision for myself.


! ! !

Bai Yujing opened his eyes quickly, and clasped his hands tightly.

Luo Xing kept guarding, the machine made a different sound, he looked over.

"Second Lord! Are you awake?"

"Nianxin..." Bai Yujing looked at the white ceiling.

Luo Xing glanced at the machine, his heart beating a little abnormally, "I'll call the treating doctor over."

Although he is a doctor himself, since he is already in the hospital, he should follow the hospital's rules.

Bai Yujing grabbed Luo Xing's hand and clasped it tightly: "What about Nianxin?"

He seemed to hear...Nianxin's voice calling him.

Why... the heart is so strange?

"Uh..." Luo Xing was stunned. He didn't expect the second master to ask Miss Nianxin as soon as he woke up. "Miss Nianxin? She is at home. If you know that you are awake, you must be very happy. I will inform her."

The glance in Luo Xing's eyes was seen by Bai Yujing.

He faintly felt that something must be wrong, and Luo Xing was hiding something from him.

Bai Yujing knew in his heart that if Luo Xing dared to conceal something, his elder brother must allow it, otherwise the people below would not dare.

He didn't say anything. Luo Xing should not be able to ask anything. He just asked casually: "Where is Zhan Yan?"

"Zhan Yan has gone to work."

He immediately called Zhan Yan, and Zhan Yan picked it up: "Zhan Yan, come see me with your mind."

The noise coming from the other end was very heavy, there were constant horns, the sound of countless vehicles roaring by, and the heavy breathing of Zhan Yan.

What Bai Yujing didn't know was that Zhan Yan was standing outside the car at this time, listening to him talking about seeing him with his heart, and looking at her lying in a pool of blood in front...

My heart was extremely touched.

How should he... take such Miss Nianxin to Erye's side?

"Zhan Yan?" There was no response, Bai Yujing frowned tightly.

Zhan Yan was stunned. After reacting, he said solemnly, "Second Lord, I'm sorry."

Zhan Yan didn't answer him, and hung up the phone boldly.


How dare he hang up his phone? !

Things are really wrong, there must be something wrong!

Bai Yujing got up from the hospital bed, unplugged the infusion tube, got out of bed forcibly, Luo Xing stopped, "Second Lord! You can't get out of bed now! The serious injury has not healed, and you must rest in bed."

"Bed rest?" He sneered, "I will stay in bed again, when I go out, you have turned the sky up!"

He didn't know what happened, but vaguely felt that it was not small and it was related to mind.

One by one, they are hiding from him!

Luo Xing was stunned. Does the second master know anything?

At this moment, Bai Yujing got out of bed, endured the pain on his body, and changed his clothes.

"Luo Xing," he said while putting on his clothes, "Did you hire me yourself, or wait for me to clarify things and let you get out of me? You want to follow Lord Bai or follow me, you decide for yourself ."

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