You For Eternity

Chapter 1197: One twin for a lifetime (176)

"Brother, I don't want the Bai family..." Bai Yujing looked forward with no focus, "Nianxin is dead...What do I want this Bai family to do?"

"Xiaojing, I didn't want her to die! She is my daughter after all—"

"But you forced her to there a difference?"

Bai Yujing lowered his head and looked at Nianxin's face, moving his expression: "You have begged me so many times, but I never promised you. This time, if you don't ask...I will take you away."

"Second Lord——"

"Don't follow anyone," the words were bitterly cold. "There is no second master Bai in this world. Bai Yujing, no longer lives for the Bai family."


How could Bai Yuming not feel sad when his daughter died.

He has always been dominated by the Bai family, guarding the situation that the older generation has beaten down, and putting personal feelings behind.

In the end, both children died, and the younger brother also left home.

The Bai family was so big, only he was left.

At this time, Li Yunyan was overwhelmed with grief and fell ill.

She only has such a daughter.

Nianxin always feels that she doesn't love her, but after all, is there any mother in this world who would not love her child?

It's just that the way of love is different, love is wrong.

There is no way to tell her how much regret.

The Bai family was shrouded in a sad atmosphere.

Bai Yuming concealed the death of Bai Nianxin, and the Lan family also agreed to remain silent and not to declare anything. The reason is also not to let the old man know, sad and sick.

Luo Xing came over and persuaded Bai Yuming: "Master Bai, please be sorry."

"Sorry..." He looked at this empty home, his eyes were a lot more hollow, "The home is gone... If my parents know that I have brought the Bai family to where they are today, they won't be able to rest under Huangquan."

Luo Xing couldn't bear it: "Master Bai, you don't want to be like this. No one expected that things have come to this point."

"Is there no whereabouts of Xiaojing yet?" Bai Yuming asked.

What he is most worried about now is that he can't think about it because of the death of Nianxin.

When he left, all thoughts were lost, as if he didn't care about everything.

People like them have always seen life and death, and he is not afraid of death at all.

"I have sent someone to look for it," Luo Xing replied, "I have been looking for it day and night, hoping to find the second master soon. Bai master, don't worry too much, the second master will definitely be fine, he is the second master... "

He is the second master...

This sentence, to all the dark guards, is so reasonable.

Because he is the second master of Bai, he should be more tolerant than ordinary people.

But who would have thought that the second master is also a human, he also has his own fragility, he is not an invulnerable person.

The death of the beloved made him feel ashamed and saw through the world.

Who is not worried?

I have never worried about the second master, but now everyone is thinking, if they don't find the second master soon, will they find the rotten corpses of the second master and Miss Nianxin someday in some remote place?

No one has seen such a Bai Yujing, neither has Bai Yuming.

"The most important thing is that you must never let the old lady know about this. I'm tired, you all go, let me be quiet."

"Second Master will want to understand," Luo Xing said, "When I want to understand, I will be back. Master Bai must take care of his body."

This kind of comfort may no longer have any effect.

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