You For Eternity

Chapter 1285: One double for a lifetime (265)

This is a layout of three rooms and two halls, and the restaurant is visible at the entrance.

A distance away, Bai Yujing had already seen Nianxin squatting on the ground, a pile of porcelain bowl fragments in front of her.

He went in before he could take off his shoes, his eyes were startled.

Nianxin was wearing cotton mops, so the burns on her feet were not obvious for a while, but her left hand instantly became red.

She also wanted to hide her hands.

Bai Yujing's terrifying eyes swept aside Luo Xing's body: "Go and get the medicine box!"

"Yes... it's the second master!"

Nianxin’s eyes were filled with tears, which were scalded alive. She forcibly endured the burning pain in her hands, shook her head at him and said, “Xiaobai, don’t be like this...Don’t be so fierce to Brother Luoxing.

"Come here." Bai Yujing frowned, did not comment, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up.

Nianxin took a step, then hesitated.


Her feet...

Bai Yujing found that something was wrong with her, squatted down and dragged off her cotton. The back of her feet was already flushed, but because of the cloth blocking it, it didn't look as serious as her hands.

Bai Yujing directly picked her up and went to put it down on the sofa.

This was boiling soup. After it was sprinkled like this, blisters formed on the back of my hand and the hot pain became more and more intense.

But because she was afraid he was worried, she had to endure it.

Luo Xing brought the medicine box over like a sinner, and tremblingly wanted to give Nianxin medicine, he was stunned by Bai Yujing and shrank back like a little wife.

Bai Yujing opened the medicine box, gave Nianxin medicine and bandaged himself.

The atmosphere was very solemn...

Nianxin laughed and said, "Oh...I'm fine, Xiaobai, why are you so serious? You will really scare Brother Luo Xing. You see, he doesn't even dare to breathe."

Luo Xing had been sitting there on his knees, and when he heard this, he immediately sat up: "Second Lord...I am guilty..."

What kind of joke did he make with Miss Nianxin! Cause a catastrophe!

Bai Yujing snorted coldly: "I'll settle accounts with you later."

"Oh, don't..." Nianxin grabbed him with the other hand, "Don't punish Brother Luo has nothing to do with him, I accidentally overturned the hot soup, and you blame him."

"Don't blame him? How come you knocked over the hot soup? You must be holding the soup bowl. What was he doing then?"

Luo Xinglei, he was standing opposite and joking...

"Okay..." Nianxin's voice became much softer, her fingers pinched and his suit jacket looked cute, "Don't be angry, I don't blame him, why do you blame him? Brother Luo Xing treats you A loyal, properly loyal dog, you will break his heart."

Luo Xing cooperated with the school dog and stuck out his tongue, pretending to be cute.

Bai Yujing smiled: "What else can I do, kill him? If there are few people taking care of you, it is difficult for me to find another person."

He is not just angry, just talk angry.

"Okay, okay," Luo Xing also laughed, "It's okay, thank you Miss Nianxin for pleading!"

"Go away." Bai Yujing said coldly.

"It's the second master! I'll get out of here, don't bother you!" Luo Xing stood up, before taking a few steps, then turned around and said, "By the way, second master, this table dish was made by Miss Nianxin herself."

After Luo Xing finished speaking, he quickly got out, lest the second master punished him again for not cooking.

Only the two of them were left in the room, and it fell silent.

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