You For Eternity

Chapter 1296: One double for a lifetime (279)

Just like Qianyi, if something happens...

No, she couldn't even think about it.

Chu Chu shook his head quickly, not thinking about such things.

"Then if you start with Eva...?"

Li Hengzhi smiled and said, "He can't think of things that you can think of? That is our only way out. He has done the most strict protection of Eva. What I have tried has failed. Otherwise, it is not. Today’s situation."

He touched Chu Chu's face and explained with great patience: "Chu Chu, there are some things that are not as simple as what you see on the surface. I still have a lot of things that I haven't told you because I don't think the time has come. If I can tell You, I won’t tell you. Unless someday... I have to tell you about me.”


That feeling is coming!

She knew that he had something to hide from her.

Chu Chu got up, threw herself on him, pressed her whole body on him, kissed his lips, and whispered: "Don't worry, you know I'm very good. I never take the initiative if you don't tell me. ask."

"Yeah..." Li Hengzhi hugged her, being passive, pressed her down, and kissed her affectionately for a while.

"I know, my wife is the best behaved, beautiful, and sensible, and never troubles me. A wife who is so considerate of me...well, I should have saved the universe in my previous life."

Seeing him speaking solemnly, Chu Chu laughed: "Although it is exaggerated, but I am quite happy after hearing it!"

In fact, she always knew that meeting Li Hengzhi was her greatest fortune.

Everything she did was just repaying his kindness to her.

It was he who helped her out of the haze, it was also he who stayed in the same boat, or he, who kept her by her side, loved and pityed.

In fact, it was her who saved the universe in the previous life.

However, he didn't show all of this. Enjoying his praise, slender pointed his lips and said: "The mouth is so sweet, it should be because I am jealous because of sister Yu? I think I haven't come back all night. I must be thinking wildly, so I think the most urgent task is to make me happy? Isn't it?"

This language trap is as clever as he is, but can't jump, "Of course not. My wife is the most sensible person and never messes up, how can she misunderstand this kind of thing?"

"Huh!" Chu Chu got up, "but she wants to be a little bit jealous today, and want to see how someone can coax her."

Li Hengzhi also got up and sat up, wrapped her waist from behind, and kissed her on the neck, full of expression: "Then my wife...I'll take care of you, isn't it? Jealous? My body... is at your disposal."

The clock on the wall pointed to seven o'clock, and Chu Chu turned his head and kissed him, then smiled and said: "It's funny, it's no more trouble, it's seven o'clock, get up."

"Isn't it only seven o'clock? Wait until I haven't slept all night. If I don't go to work today, I can rest."

"how do you know?"

"Look at your red-blooded eyes, you are 80% worried about my safety and cannot sleep."

Yes, Chu Chu's worry is not on Yu Zhitong. What she worries about is always his safety because she believes in him.

"No, I'm afraid that you will pity Xiangxiyu over your head, and something will happen to your sister Yu, so I have to open my eyes to see clearly!" Chu Chu didn't let him be proud, and took a glance behind him, "Hey, there is a sharp under the pillow. Swiss Army Knife, I am ready, where do you touch her and chop it! Are you afraid?"

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