You For Eternity

Chapter 1332: One twin for a lifetime (315)

"Mom, I think you have nothing to do at home when you are retired. Why don't you be a matchmaker," Li Tianyou said. "The happiness of single dogs in the entire community is in your hands! You should also take care of the sons of others. It's so wide!"

"Smelly boy! So your mother, owe you a fight!" Uncle Li protects his wife, and knocks on Li Tianyou's head when he goes up, "If it weren't for the guests, I would have done it!"

"Come on, you!" Li Tianyou was not afraid of his father at all, "I succeeded in hitting me when I was a kid! My mother stopped me every time. Wife Control Yan said that you were the one who said."

Aunt Li said solemnly: "I won't help you this time! How do you speak? What is someone else's son? Is this your brother-in-law soon, or someone else's?"

Only then did Li Tianyou react, and he slapped his mouth: "Mother, the lesson is right, count me wrong."

Li Tianyou turned around and stopped Gu Yan's shoulders and said: "My mother is right, my brother-in-law's happiness is my happiness. My brother-in-law, you say, what kind of girl do you like, brother-in-law will introduce to you!"

"Bring you down!" Gu Tong stood up and slapped his hand away, "Our family Gu Yan wants to look good, to be talented and talented, to have a room and a room, need you to introduce it? Don't mess up! Give my mother a hand. ."

"Yo!" Chu Chu and Li Hengzhi had the fastest reaction. The two looked at each other and raised their brows.

Then Aunt Li came to understand, and her face instantly bloomed with a smile, "Okay, God bless you to come and help, Tongtong, just find a place to sit."

Li Tianyou seemed to have not noticed the words, and muttered silently in his head: "Why do I feel that my future status is a bit suspended..."

"Mom, my sister will certainly not be wronged at her brother-in-law's house, we can rest assured." Gu Yan said softly from the side.

"Yes..." Mother Gu also nodded, "Presumably not."

No matter how you look at it, this family treats Tong Tong from the heart.

Mothers have nothing to ask for. It is enough for a daughter to live well in her in-laws.

Chu Chu helped Gu Tong find a place to sit down, Li Hengzhi was not idle, went into the kitchen to see if he needed help, but was soon kicked out by Aunt Li.

The Li family is just three bedrooms and two halls. It is just right for a small family to live in. The kitchen is naturally not a big one. The big men of them are physically strong, and one is enough to squeeze in, and all of them go in. , The kitchen is impassable.

"Xiao Nizi, I changed my mouth quickly. Aunt Li should be so happy tonight that I can't sleep."

Gu Tong put a hand on his abdomen and chuckled slightly: "Sooner or later, I can get used to it first."


Seeing Chu Chu grinning, Li Hengzhi was in the distance again. Gu Tong leaned over and whispered: "How are you doing with your mother-in-law? You didn't say before that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Do you like you?"

Chu Chu also leaned over and said softly, after all, they were talking about the Li family, and it was not so good to be heard by anyone in the Li family.

Sometimes this is the case. My family members say that it’s not okay for my family members, but others are afraid that a word can’t be said. Chu Chu is also afraid of embarrassment, so he has concerns.

"Fortunately, it's not his mother, the worry is not that big," Chu Chu replied, "We only discussed this matter yesterday, and he made me not worry."

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