You For Eternity

Chapter 1347: One double for a lifetime (330)

Otherwise, how could Xiao Bai stand motionless at the door, staring at the outside without moving?

Nianxin didn't think much, and there was a person's shadow in her mind: Lan Ye.

She walked over and saw that she didn't guess wrong, it was Lan Ye.

Nianxin just glanced at him and said nothing to him, just grabbed Bai Yujing's arm and smiled: "I'm fine, Xiaobai, let's go."

After finishing speaking, as if only seeing Lan Ye, he smiled slightly at him: "Ah, why is Mr. Lan here."

The three people knew each other, but they made a look of strangeness as if they had only met for the second time today.

Lan Ye swept his gaze over the two of them, and then said indifferently, "Mr. Bai and Ms. Bai are going out here?"

Obviously on purpose, he shouted the three words "Miss Bai" very hard, as if to emphasize something.

For example, she is only "Miss Bai" now.

Other people in the community don't know, can he still know the truth?

Call her Miss Bai, which means that it is not impossible to become "Mrs. Lan" in the future.

If there is something in the words, smart people will understand.

However, this kind of naive act of taking advantage of words would not even be fooled by Nianxin, let alone the experienced Bai Yujing.

Before Bai Yujing answered him, Nianxin smiled and said: "Yes, we are going out for dinner, Mr. Lan please."

What can I do if I win?

Nothing can be changed.

Since he wants to be proud, let him be proud.

"Eating... It's such a coincidence, I haven't eaten yet."

Nianxin: "Oh."

There is nothing else.

You didn't eat, what's up with us?

However, Lan Ye had a thick face and took it on himself: "I just moved here and I am not familiar with this area. Since you are going to eat, if you don't mind, let me follow the road?"

This time Bai Yujing answered: "We said that you mind, don't you follow?"

If Lan Ye insisted on following the road, they would still block the road to prevent him from following?

This kind of thing is well known to everyone, and there is no need to discuss it in depth.

After answering this, Bai Yujing took Nianxin out and closed the door.

Taking it for granted, Lan Ye did follow up brazenly, and said at the back: "Why don't you make a treat?"

"No need."

Lan Ye's eyes narrowed, as if thinking of something, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Mr. Bai worked so hard to make such a small amount of money. It is not easy to make such a small amount of money. This is nothing to me. For Mr. Bai, maybe... "

Nianxin stared slightly.


She thought they met near home or something, Lan Ye unexpectedly... found the construction site?

As for Nian Xin's reaction, in Lan Ye's view, it was as if she only knew what Bai Yujing was doing outside, and it suddenly made him feel very good.

However, it is a pity that Bai Yujing is still as calm as ever, without the consciousness that has been exposed, which makes him still very unhappy.

Lan Ye wanted to enter the elevator, but was blocked by Bai Yujing's hand stretched over: "It's full, Mr. Lan, take another one."


Nianxin was slightly embarrassed.

There are only two of them in the huge elevator.


This is no longer the point of opening your eyes and telling lies.

Lan Ye didn't mean to rush, because he just won, so he didn't mind letting him go.

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