You For Eternity

Chapter 1364: One twin for a lifetime (347)

But everyone thought it belonged to everyone, and Bai Yuming himself thought for a while, and didn't dare to think about it anymore. After all, I still feel that my father is not worthy, and has done so many wrong things before.

Some detours are inevitable, and he will not agree with them how many times he does it again. He knows his own character and cannot tolerate the two of them willful.

As for the later...the answer to "If there is no such blood relationship", what he would do is now unknown.

Why should we think about the non-existent problem with headaches?

"Master Bai, it's time for you." Li Hengzhi reminded.

Bai Yuming returned to his senses and found that everyone was looking at him, including Nian Xin, who was standing not far away from him.

The heart of a holy wedding dress, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, is a happy smile.

Li Yunyan smiled and said, "Her father must be so happy that he didn't react for a while. ——It's time to enter the game with Nianxin."


"Of course it is you! You are Nianxin's father. Who else can replace you in this position?"

Bai Yuming looked a little flattered, slightly at a loss, and looked down at his clothes: "Is this my clothes wrong? I didn't pick it out in a hurry..."

"No, no!" everyone said.

"Master Bai is full of energy and looks good in everything!" Luo Xing praised, "Isn't it Ayan?"

"Yes, Lord Bai." Zhan Yan said solemnly.

"Master Bai, you don't believe me, don't you believe in Zhanyan? He won't lie."

The Bai family had no infighting, it was their long-cherished wish forever, and the atmosphere could not be better. It was just around the corner to change back to the former Bai family.


Li Yunyan got started directly, and pulled the two of them together: "Okay, let's miss the auspicious time anyway, Xiaojing is waiting inside, and he will think what's wrong with us outside, and we won't go in."

Regarding the address, it's a bit messy for the time being, and Bai Yujing's change of mouth is definitely not appropriate. For now, it's just what you used to address in the future.

As for Wei Young, it's a child anyway. It's not difficult to change his tongue. At an ignorant age, adults will listen to what they say. It's not difficult.

But right now, none of these matters.

The door of the church opened. Seeing Bai Yuming and Nianxin go in with him, Chu Chu felt a little emotional for a while, "It's not easy."

There has been too much experience between them, and Chu Chu didn't see them walking all the way, but also saw the present halfway through.

"It's finally a happy ending, and it's worth the difficulty." Li Hengzhi also sighed.

The two said, holding hands and following behind them, they went in and sat down on their seats.

The two little flower girls, Qianyi and Weiyang, are holding the hem of Nianxin's wedding dress.

"When we get married, let Qianyi and Wei Young be flower girls?"


Bai Yujing stood in front of him all in white, Nianxin walked towards him with a smile, and finally the two stopped in front of him.

Bai Yuming was excited and didn't know what to say. He put Nianxin's hand in Bai Yujing's hand after being reminded, and exclaimed: "I know Xiaojing, you have always been a person with a plan for the future, so I won't do anything extra. That said. I have never paid too much attention to the child of Nianxin. If you are good to her, just... always treat her well. This is all fate."

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