You For Eternity

Chapter 137: Some male gods, just use them to worship

"Ah..." Gu Tong took a pity, "No way... the truth is so far from what I thought?"

Qiantao shrugged, "What do you think."

"Hey..." After discovering that the truth was boring, Gu Tong lost the thought of joking, and put the necklace on the table, "It's boring! I thought there was any new progress."

"What progress do you want?" Qiantao thought and smiled, "I'm not ready to fall in love with him. This is just right, otherwise he will give me a gift, and I will misunderstand what he intends."

Gu Tong thought for a while, but still asked without giving up: "My dear, Li Hengzhi is such a shining male **** that everyone admires, are you really not going to do it? Violent heavenly things..."

"Some male gods can be viewed from a distance and can't be used for fun~ he is exactly, so it's good to be used to admire and worship."

Qiantao said, her eyes flickered.

She can fall to the bottom of the road once, twice, and should she fall forever three or four times?

A man like Li Hengzhi has a shining light. Perhaps standing next to them can become radiant, but one who is not careful will get burned.

The ending she can think of is either falling to pieces, or being burned to pieces.

"Don't you give it to me! I still want to find a rich and handsome man to support me for the rest of my life, how wonderful!" Gu Tong did not turn to look at Qian Tao, so she did not find her strange.

"You really want it?" Qiantao raised an eyebrow, "How about I set up a line for you on the weekend?"

Knowing that Gu Tong was joking, Qiantao also took it jokingly.

Wire up?

Stop teasing, why would she dare to take up Li Hengzhi's time and ask him out if she has nothing to do?

Gu Tong turned his head and stared directly at her, his scorching gaze seemed to see her through.

"Why..." Qiantao stepped back, keeping her distance, and jokingly said, "Gu Tong, don't mess around... I have a normal sexual orientation..."

Gu Tong smiled, "Forget it, you know you can't bear it if you say it insincerely! Hey, I won't hook up with my girlfriend's man, it's too bad!"

Who is insincere...

Qiantao was thinking about this sentence wholeheartedly.

She just had a piercing look with bright eyes without a trace of guilty conscience, how could she be insincere?

Before going to bed, Qiantao and Gu Tong mentioned that they were moving to Xiangshuiwan to live with Li Hengzhi in the next week. When they were planning to take Qianyi out on weekends, they would find a way to explain to him.


Sunday, Children's Palace.

A beautiful baby who is suspected of being mixed came into the advanced class, which made a bunch of older brothers and sisters really like it.

Qianyi's high IQ is unbelievable, and everyone praises it.

Flat Sudoku can no longer satisfy him. The teacher of the advanced class said that they are currently preparing 3D Sudoku and let Qianyi be one of the first students to test.

Qiantao didn't know anything about Sudoku, and had no idea about 3D or 3D. She couldn't talk, so she sat aside and rested with her chin.

I looked around boredly. Suddenly, my eyes flashed and his body quickly bounced from his seat. He glanced at Qianyi who was surrounded by everyone. Before he could speak, he hurriedly ran from the front door to the back door, pressing tightly against the wall.


Qiantao wanted to cry without tears. Why did she act like a thief when she saw Li Hengzhi?

Why did the chief executive come to the Children's Palace during the big weekend?

If he sees her with Qianyi...

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