You For Eternity

Chapter 141: That matter will not be pursued

In fact, if you were an adult other than him, you wouldn't take Qianyi's words to heart, right?

In other words, he wouldn't take it seriously when he was another child, but this child is Qianyi...

I don't know if it was because of the ice blue eyes that made him feel very kind, or the convincing look that he revealed from time to time. In short, because it was Qianyi, he came today.

Obviously only a four-year-old kid, but always makes him feel that he is not joking.

A thought flashed in Li Hengzhi's heart that he couldn't even understand: himself... his thoughts are a bit ridiculous, right? Why would he trust a child?

He didn't even think about the reason.



Just getting out of the car, the eager servant at the door hurriedly opened the door and went out to greet: "Miss, you can count as coming back."

"What's wrong?" Qiantao asked strangely.

"No, no, it's just that the master has asked me many times. Has the eldest lady come back? Isn't that? I finally came back."

Qiantao nodded, indicating that she knew.

It seems that Dad is afraid that she won't give him this face, so he won't come to this reconciliation feast, right?

In fact, there is no need to worry. She is the only thing she can do. If it weren't for force majeure, she would definitely come if she had said she would come.

After so many years, when did she not count the things she promised?

As for the reason...

She smiled, knowing in her heart.

For those insidious things Liu Hui did to her, if she hadn't taken into consideration the kindness of Qianjia to her, she would definitely not have done it.

Even if she owes them.

Qiantao sorted out her expressions and went into the room, and the group of people who had been waiting at the dinner table stood up early and welcomed her with a smile.

"Peach, you are back!" Liu Hui stepped forward eagerly.

Seeing the hand reaching out to herself, Qiantao subconsciously took a step back, avoiding her touch.

She came to the banquet, but it didn't mean that she forgave Liu Hui for everything she did to her.

Drugging herself, helping Xiao Yuanhang and Qian Churui give birth to a child, is also because she can think of it!

Su Yue was naturally dissatisfied with this matter, and stepped forward to greet Taozi: "I heard your father say that you got a job on the TV station. Auntie knows someone over there, what's the inconvenience for you? , You can just tell Auntie, Auntie will do it for you."

Su Yue wanted to break his brain and wanted to do something for Tao Zi to make up, but Qian Tao understood that this matter had nothing to do with Su Yue.

"No need Aunt Su, Dad has already mentioned it to Director Zhang, no one will embarrass me."

Su Yue deliberately searched for topics and kept asking Qian Tao about working at the TV station.

"Eating and eating, Ajuan, the food will be served soon, it will be cold," Qian Chenghai said, "Peach, your little mom made a special dish that you like the most--"

"No, Dad, I just ate outside. I just came back to tell you specifically, don’t worry, I won’t pursue that matter anymore, you don’t need to do this, and Aunt Su, since this matter has to do with him It doesn't matter, I won't put the account on the Xiao family."

Xiao Yuanhang was silent the whole time, not even looking at each other for more than a second.

Liu Huigan laughed and arrested Qiantao, who had just sat down and stood up and was about to leave: "It's better not to pursue it! I know Taozi is not such a stingy person."

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