You For Eternity

Chapter 163: Do you still want to watch the live broadcast?

How can she imagine that this little girl is actually a hidden Bai Fumei-their mayor's daughter? ?

Originally, I went to ask Director Zhang to report something, but unexpectedly heard him talking with someone else and mentioned Qian Tao. She almost thought that she had heard it wrong, but combined with some things, it seemed to be an out-and-out fact.

Therefore, she was wise not to participate in this incident, and no matter what happens in the future, it will have nothing to do with her.

The reason why some people in the station dare not make a cover up or even say ugly things in front of her is because they don't know where Qiantao comes from!

Because of those photos, and because the date on the photos is already five years ago, even if she is Li Hengzhi’s girlfriend, she is already his girlfriend five years ago, and almost no one will put her in the eyes. I wouldn't think that Li Hengzhi would make a name for a woman who had played.


If they knew that her true identity was actually the daughter of the mayor, no one would dare to be presumptuous!

Your boyfriend may not help you out, but dad...

I definitely will!

Yao Xin has been in the workplace for so many years, unlike those uncomfortable young newcomers, even if she did not find the identity of Qiantao today, she would not fall into trouble at this time.

A new person who can be specially ordered by the minister to take care of her, without thinking about it, knows that there is someone behind her.

What can I do to provoke her when she is idle?

As for her relationship with Li Hengzhi...

Everything is fine, it has nothing to do with her!


Yuan Peipei sat on the left side of Qiantao, the person she met most often at work.

On weekdays, they occasionally talk about little gossip, and they even discussed Li Hengzhi together!

Yuan Peipei was thinking all day, what kind of mentality did Qian Tao hold when discussing Li Hengzhi with her? Fortunately, she didn't say anything bad about him. Most of the time, she was just a idiot.

Qiantao sat down, didn't have any special emotions towards Yuan Peipei, turned on the computer, read the email, and chose to keep it.

She is going to go to the IT department after get off work later and ask them to help check if the person who sent the email is using the network in the desk.

She and Tong Tong had the same guess, suspecting that he was hiding in the TV station for the first time.

Yuan Peipei took the initiative to move forward and laughed: "Taozi, so... you really fell asleep until Li Hengzhi?"

Qiantao turned to her and smiled lightly at her: "Yeah, these photos are not enough? Do you still want to watch the live broadcast?"

"No...I don't mean anything else, I am envious! How can you sleep with him! That's amazing!"

"Puff......" Qiantao smiled suddenly, "Great? Is there something wrong with your three views. The nose is itchy, I guess at this moment...... all TV stations are secretly scolding me."

"No! Hey... can I gossip, how is his figure?"

After a week of getting along, Qiantao still had some understanding of Yuan Peipei. This girl is careless, carefree and simple. I didn't hate her when this happened, and the focus seemed to be different from other people.

Qiantao knocked her head: "Child, don't gossip so much."


After get off work, Gu Tong greeted her and went home first. He smiled mysteriously and said, "You can take your luggage tomorrow, come on!"

Qiantao: "..."

What is in her mind?

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