You For Eternity

Chapter 203: Cuckold Li Hengzhi?

Gu Tong's driving skills are good. He turned the garage around and Qiantao clapped her: "Not bad, Tongtong!"

"That's it!" Gu Tong also gave her a wink, "When will you show one?"

"I haven't taken a driver's license yet, don't be foolish."

"Oh... when is our peach so good? You used to be..."

Qiantao was stunned for a short second.

Gu Tong suddenly realized what he was coming over, and smiled and broke the topic: "Peach, I thought of a way to get you divorced soon!"

"What can I do?" The two went out of the garage and talked as they walked.

"What is the most unbearable thing for a man? It's a woman cheating! Find a little white face, I promise Li Hengzhi will throw the divorce agreement on your face the next day and let you go!"

Qiantao swallowed: "Come on, it's almost the same for you to collect my body! It won't hurt to stand and talk!"

Cuckold Li Hengzhi? She and that little white face are going to lose their souls!

How can such a terrible thing be done!

"Haha..." Gu Tong smiled, dispelling the haze atmosphere just now.

Pushing open the door of the apartment, the laughter of the two people stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yuanhang leaned against the elevator door, as if waiting for a while.

The smile faded slowly, pretending to be out of sight, grabbing Gu Tong's hand and walking over.

"Peach, I want to talk to you."

It has been half a month since Li Hengzhi said to him, and he still doesn't know the so-called truth.

Obviously there is only one layer of paper from the truth, but it is unbreakable.

"We have nothing to talk about." Qiantao was a little frightened.

I don’t know if he has been upstairs...should I haven’t found Qianyi yet?

Gu Tong walked around Qian Tao and said to him, "Mr. Xiao, you are married to Qian Churui, and you often come to find Taozi. What do you think of Taozi?"

"I want to talk to Peach."

"There's nothing to talk about, okay? Don't bother us peaches! Why did you come in? You broke into a private house! Be careful, I call the police!"

Qiantao grabbed Gu Tong's hand and said to him: "What do you want to talk about? I have said everything that I should say, please don't make up for it? I just feel embarrassed to dump you. For Aunt Su’s sake, it’s just to help your Xiao family, nothing else."

Qiantao thought it was funny.

He didn't believe what she said before, but now he still doesn't believe what she said.

Believe neither true nor false, what does he think of her?

Xiao Yuanhang frowned.

He didn't know what he should do.

The events of five years ago are vivid, and the fact that he abandoned her has made him unable to sleep well for many nights. For so many years, every day I want to go back to the past, and want to pass it again.

"I'm sorry." This is his... belated apology.

Qiantao and Gu Tong both froze for a while.

Gu Tong scratched the back of his head and didn't know what to do.

She eats soft or hard. If Xiao Yuanhang comes to be hard, she will definitely help Taozi fight back, but now she suddenly changed the route, she was a little overwhelmed...

"If you do it again, I will save you."

Regret, he regretted it.

Qiantao didn't think it was a pity, but instead smiled: "However, I didn't start again. Life is like a chess, without regret."

No regrets...

Hearing these four words, Xiao Yuanhang gave a wry smile.

What a pity without regrets...


At the time of the stalemate, no one noticed that the elevator had dropped to the ground floor.

"Uncle, let's change the house, the last time it was not delicious."

Both Qiantao and Gu Tong were shocked by the sound.

Thousand one!

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