You For Eternity

Chapter 206: Helpless her

Qiantao recognizes the security, but yesterday's security was not him.

Security guards will certainly not let strangers into such places easily.

Xiangshuiwan is a well-known area for wealthy people. Most of the people who can live here are high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and some are Jinwu Cangjiao. When the security guards here don't have a certain vision, it will definitely not work.

But this girl...he really hasn't seen it.

"How about the former security guard? He recognizes me. Call him to confirm. I do live here."

"I'm sorry, he's in my class. I asked for leave and went back to my hometown. I hope you understand that I can't just let people who I don't know go in." The security guards didn't say anything.

She also understood the responsibility.

Of course, he didn't look down on Qiantao, and he wasn't sure if she really had anything to do with anyone in it. He couldn't afford to provoke anyone here.

"Then what to do?"

Although it was already ten o'clock in the evening, the heat of the sweltering heat had not yet faded. She just got out of Gu Tong's car, and she felt a bit sultry. The evening breeze was hot and it made people very uncomfortable.

"Then you call your husband?"

At first glance, the security only thought that this girl should be his new favorite, so he didn't recognize it.

Qiantao had no choice but to call Li Hengzhi, wanting to ask him where he was. If he didn't come back tonight, she could just ask Gu Tong, who hadn't traveled far, to come back and pick her up and stay at the apartment for one night.

However, Li Hengzhi did not answer the phone.

She thought for a while and called Tong Tong, but the person who answered the phone was Gu Yan. Tong Tong didn't bring her cell phone when she went out!

After saying something, he hung up the phone.

I wanted to call Ji Xuan. She had been here for so long, and the security must have known her, but after turning around, she discovered that she hadn't saved her number.

The desperate Qiantao couldn't get in now, and couldn't catch up with Tongtong even if she wanted to go. She squatted on the ground, really sad...

"Would you... go and sit in there?" The security guard didn't want to offend people, "Sit down and wait for a while?"

There are men in the security room, Qiantao is a little taboo, and shook his head: "Forget it, I'll wait here."

She took off her high heels, stroked her skirt and sat on the edge of the flower bed, drowsy by the warm wind.

The evening breeze blew her hair and pressed it to her face. She didn't bother to lift it with her hands, staring at the prosperous world inside through the fence that isolated the outside world.

It was such a place, filled with powerful and powerful people, and there were endless stories behind everyone, and she was just one of the little ones, so small that she could hardly be seen.

Under such circumstances, she looked a little dazed.

Originally, she would not have any involvement in this world.

Qiantao lowered her head, resting her knees, her eyes were a little wet.

She doesn't like the feeling of being alone. Every time she is alone, she thinks a lot. When she thinks about it, some bad memories will spring up like mushrooms after a rain shower, and she will have a headache.

The appearance of Qiantao makes most people feel unbearable to see it. The security guard only glanced at it and felt it was not good. Just about to ask, a car drove over here.

"Mr. Li, you are back." Through the glass, the security guard said hello.

Hearing those three words, Qiantao was pulled back to reality and slowly raised her head.

Li Hengzhi glanced at the security guard, and then around him, he saw the man sitting on the edge of the flower bed. He looked at this side, a little confused and a little helpless.

My heart suddenly tightened.

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