You For Eternity

Chapter 243: Sorry i was wrong

About ten minutes later, the door of the waiting room was pushed open again.

She thought it was Yan Hai, and was about to thank him. When she looked up, her smile froze. After a second, she quickly chewed the food in her mouth and swallowed it.

Regarding his appearance, he wiped his mouth and stood up: "Mr. Li..."

Li Hengzhi stood at the door, his eyes on the appetizers that had almost been swept away by her, "I have such a good appetite?"

After speaking, his eyes swept to her again.

She could see the traces from him last night on her neck. As she stood in a hurry, the spinning fabric slid aside, faintly seeing the half-tooth mark left by him on her shoulder.

Qiantao followed his gaze and pulled with a hand, but in fact, she could not hide the small strawberry planted by him even though she could cover her teeth marks.

The ** on the corner of her mouth made him frown slightly.

He saw it when he was in Victoria last night, it must be because of Xiao Yuanhang. Later, he was ravaged by him without pity|The ravages became more serious after that, and that small area was actually swollen today.

After calming down this morning, he thought about the strangeness. If she was going to be together with Xiao Yuanhang at the time, why would she answer the phone? Accidentally bumped into?

Think about it in another way. If the person kissing her at the time was him, he wouldn't let her have the opportunity to be distracted to touch other things.

Thinking like this, her eyes fell on the band-aid on her face all of a sudden—

"Your company's food is delicious..." The atmosphere was a little embarrassing. Qiantao stood there, staring uncomfortably with his gaze, and answered his words.

But Li Hengzhi didn't speak, thinking about what the band-aid was all about.

Obviously not before.

is it him?

He doesn't remember. Although he was dazzled by the anger, he shouldn't hurt her... Or did he accidentally hurt her?

Even if the brain moves quickly, it can't remember the details.

Li Hengzhi walked over and chose a seat to sit down, and said in an official manner: "What can I do? I am very busy. I don't have time to listen to the love story between you and your ex-boyfriend.

"I know," Qiantao took out something and walked over, "Of course I won't waste Mr. Li's time. This is for you."

It was a check, of course he recognized it.

check? Why is there a check?

Suspicious but did not show it, pinched **** and retracted and took a glance. Seeing that number, I was shocked for a few seconds: "What do you mean?"

Signature: Xiao Yuanhang.

The check Xiao Yuanhang gave her?

Qiantao sighed and said, "Didn't you borrow 50 million from you? He returned it to me. I just passed it on."

Li Hengzhi's eyebrows caught a heavy hostility. He looked at the check and sneered, "Borrow? This word is really good. This is the first time someone'borrowed' money from me like this."

After taking a breath, Qiantao closed her eyes.

She knew she was untenable, so every time he mentioned it, she felt guilty and didn't dare to be too arrogant in front of him.

"Sorry," she lowered her head, afraid to look at him, "I was wrong."

Li Hengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Do you think that if you return this money to me, your sins will be gone? Qiantao, I will tell you, even without this money, I want to kill someone by Li Hengzhi easily. !"

Qiantao froze for a while, only to feel that bursts of coldness came to his heart.

How could it be... so terrible?

Except last night, this was the first time she saw such Li Hengzhi.

Was he too "gentle" before, giving her an illusion? Indifferent and ruthless, is it him?

After all...Which is the real him?

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