You For Eternity

Chapter 250: He doesn't really like you at all!

"Don't knock! No one will open the door for you."

A familiar voice sounded outside the door.

It's Xiao Yuanhang...

Qiantao hesitated for a while, and finally decided to ask him for help.

"...Can you let me out?"

Xiao Yuanhang sneered and said, "Let you go out and find Li Hengzhi? Do you think I will do this? Taozi, can't you wake up? How did he treat you, you still don't know? I don't really like you!"

"I know!"

Of course she knows! How could she make such unrealistic thoughts? It would be ridiculous if she and Li Hengzhi had a real relationship.

"Then you don't need moths to fight the fire! Taozi, it's time to get out!"

"When should I get out, I know in my heart. I will pay the price I deserve for the choices I make. Leave me alone and let me go, OK?"

"Die this heart, I won't let you out."

Seeing that he seemed to be leaving, Qiantao knocked anxiously: "Wait!"

There was a pause for a few seconds, thinking he was gone, then he heard: "What's the matter?"

"Counting I owe you a favor, you can tell Tong Tong for me, I'm fine."

Tongtong and Qianyi would be very worried if they couldn't contact her.

"Besides Tong Tong, there is another person, right?"

That child named Qianyi...

"Tell them, what then? Let them move the rescuers and let Li Hengzhi come to rescue you? I'm not that stupid."

"Xiao Yuanhang! Xiao Yuanhang——!"

Countless slaps on the door panel made her move her body muscles, causing her to feel pain.

How to do……

Qiantao, who had been watching the balcony for a long time, suddenly had an idea.


Her room is on the second floor, and looking down is not very high.

There are sturdy tiles underneath. If one falls off accidentally... at most, fractures? The second floor should be undead.

Thinking about this, Qiantao swallowed, grabbed the railing, and slowly climbed up, cautiously.

Although it won't be deadly if you fall, of course it's better not to fall, it hurts.

"What are you doing!" Xiao Yuanhang's voice suddenly appeared, shocking Qiantao.

He grabbed her with one hand, afraid she would fall.

"What are you doing?" Qiantao was furious, "You scared me to death!"

How wrong would she be if she was frightened and dropped by him?

"Are you crazy? It's hard to fall down on the second floor! Can you guarantee that your head won't land first?"

Qiantao turned his head to look, and was startled.

Looking inside and looking outside are two different feelings.

"go back!"

Qiantao kept staring at him, and Xiao Yuanhang immediately said again: "I promise you! You give me back!"


"Really! Go back quickly!"

Under Xiao Yuanhang's gaze, she crawled back again and landed safely on the balcony.

"If you don't tell me, I will continue to crawl..."

Xiao Yuanhang was angry, but couldn't help it. Angrily took out his cell phone in front of her, dialed Gu Tong's number, and said briefly: "Taozi told you to tell you that you can't contact her, don't worry. She is in Qianjia."

Without saying a word, he hung up the phone and looked at Qiantao: "Satisfied? Do you need me to call Li Hengzhi and tell him too?"

"No need..." Qiantao narrowed her mouth, "Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Qiantao didn't go in immediately, and glanced downstairs.

She was the one who fell to death, and it was okay for him to be angry!

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