You For Eternity

Chapter 259: Do you want to wear broken shoes? (1)

"Sister Tao, I heard that the person has the same name as you?"

Sheng Ming's shout made the group of people next to him stunned for a moment and looked at the back that turned their backs.

She... is the mayor's daughter, Qiantao? ? ?

They saw it from a distance just now, because it was too far away to see clearly, plus there was only one side face, and they were still guessing which daughter they were. They actually dared to be so cold towards the son of Sheng family.

So it was Qiantao?

But the other party is the son of the city and high-ranking officials! Isn’t it a matter of showing up?

Li Shan was startled for no reason.

I don't know why, looking at her back, my heart shivered, and I always felt a chill suddenly hit.

Many people want to see Qiantao's face clearly with the attitude of watching the show.

They have always heard of the mayor's daughter's name, but they only know that people who have met said that they are really beautiful.

After being named, Qiantao could not continue to pretend that she was not there. Holding the glass of cocktail, she slowly turned the chair, raised a smile, and looked at Li Shan: "Anchor Li, do you think I have the same name except her , Does it look alike?"

With a crisp sound, Li Shan's goblet hit the ground, and the others exclaimed because the red wine splashed on their beautiful and expensive shoes.

Then what happened in the next second, they knew each other?

Sheng Ming raised an eyebrow, already understanding what had come.

Reminiscing about what Qiantao said just now, the matter was confirmed.

I'm afraid what Li Shan said is true, and the man who took her first night is mostly Li Hengzhi.

Li Hengzhi?

Li Shan's mouth trembled, as if she wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

After hearing that the mayor Qianjin was also called Qiantao, she only thought it was the same name, but the moment she turned around, she was dumbfounded.

Open... What's a joke?

The others on the side were originally inexplicable, but looking at the strange atmosphere in front of them, they gradually understood what they were, right?

Someone has already slapped their hair and started tossing the pot: "I don't know anything...I...I just listened to Li Shan's words..."

"Silvia, aren't we going to find Brother Jun, let's go..."

Everyone's face was embarrassed in capitals, and they didn't even have the thought of continuing to chat with Sheng Ming, and they quickly evacuated the scene.

Only Li Shan stood there, as if she had become a fossil, unable to move or retreat, her tongue was like a knot.

Sheng Ming just watched the show, "What's wrong? My sister Tao Zi is asking you, why doesn't she answer? Does the shameless woman you mentioned look like my sister Tao Zi?"

"No, it doesn't look like..." Li Shan trembles incessantly and laughs dryly, "It doesn't look like... I'm sorry Miss Qian!"

Sheng Ming helped Li Shan, who had bowed at ninety degrees, up, "You are talking about that shameless woman, and you are not talking about my sister Peach. What's so sorry? It's because you didn't mean her, otherwise, I It will be very angry."

With a "puff", Li Shan's untenable feet bend directly, and she bowed her forehead with a big gift: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Miss Qian, Shao Sheng, I was wrong...Miss Qian, it was my mouth before I have offended you, please don't take it to heart..."

Brushing the ground, everyone looked over here under the effect of one person exclaiming and one person.

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