You For Eternity

Chapter 269:

She felt so close to him for the first time.

This confirms her idea not long ago.

He is also mortal above all.

Everyone will undergo different degrees of transformation after experiencing different people and things, and some may simply wear false masks to isolate themselves and others.


Qiantao had a good night's sleep, because she was so tired, she slept until the sun filled the room.

She woke up, everything around her was empty.

Turning over, I saw a post-it note on the bedside table with his nice font: I'll let Xuan'er cook you something to eat when I wake up, I'm going to the company.

Seeing this sentence that is very common in the eyes of many couples, Qiantao saw it, but felt warm in her heart.


What has changed.

She was holding that note, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Obviously... I didn't know what would happen before I came back yesterday. After one night, it seemed to feel different.

If it wasn't for her memory that there was a problem, not only did he never ask Xiao Yuanhang and Sheng Ming, but also "Chief Executive" did not ask again, as if...

Those things have passed, and he will not pursue it anymore.

When she came to the big mirror, she was wearing a silk nightdress with a sling, and she wore a mess of hair.

Putting on everyday clothes is not much different from yesterday.

Qiantao opened his nightdress and looked at his back. It was the first time he saw it. It was so horrible, no wonder he would be surprised.

Dad really put a heavy hand this time.

She thought of Xiao Yuanhang, who had also suffered a few cane sticks, and it was hard to come to him.

Installed the phone and sat on the sofa, and called Gu Tong.

At this time, Gu Tong was already at work on the TV station, and when she received a call from Qiantao, she ran to the bathroom.

"You finally called me! I thought you were imprisoned by someone again!"

Qiantao chatted with her for a while and told her of her confusion. Gu Tong was taken aback, and the thief smiled and said, "You girl, isn't it already emotional?"

"No!" Qiantao hurriedly replied, "There is can it be involved in sensation."

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