You For Eternity

Chapter 283: What is your kiss? This is (1)

Li Yunyan thought that Li Tianyou’s mention would inevitably cause Qiantao’s jealousy, and then she would lose her reason and argue with Li Heng, and was yelled by a woman in front of so many people. I'm sure I won't be able to come to Taiwan, and I'm sure to say something angry when I'm confused.

Then the two of them will quarrel again tonight.

The quarrel is good, and the harder the quarrel, the better, and she enjoys the benefit of the fisherman.

Everything is so complete...

However, after Li Tianyou's words fell, there was no second person to speak for a long while, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Li Yunyan raised his head a little strangely, trying to see what was going on, only to see Qiantao turning sideways, looking up at Li Hengzhi in front of her, smiling slightly.

The whole picture is quiet and warm, with a quiet and good look.

Qiantao looked very pure and asked, "What are they talking about?"

Eh? ?

"I'm talking about me and Xue Miaomiao." Li Hengzhi replied.

"Xue Miaomiao? Who is Xue Miaomiao? He sounds familiar... I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Except for Li Yunyan, everyone else was confused.

What do you mean? Isn't it... Qiantao still doesn't know what happened between Li Hengzhi and Xue Miaomiao?

Only Li Yunyan looked so angry and tolerant, unable to attack.

She really underestimated the woman Qiantao!

If she hadn't looked for her, perhaps she would have been fooled by her tonight.

She doesn't know who Xue Miaomiao is? ?

Just half an hour ago, they even mentioned it in the living room!

But she acted as if she didn't know her!

Li Hengzhi looked at her and didn't hide the feeling of spoiling in his eyes in front of everyone, and said: "She is the only daughter of General Xue's family in Haicheng. Maybe you saw her at a banquet."

"Right? I don't remember."

This thing passed because of Qiantao's "don't know".

Li Tianyou originally wanted to deliberately provoke and provoke to see the excitement, but the point is that he also thinks that the matter has passed, but looking at it this way... still don't know at all?

He was a little confused.

Everyone had a few seats empty. At first glance, there were quite a few empty seats, so Qiantao and the others didn’t care until someone rang the doorbell and Li Yunyan saw that the time was almost up and called Ji Xuan to go. Open the door.

Qiantao counted with her eyes at the scene, they are all here, who else hasn't been there?

This guest seemed to be unknown to Li Hengzhi, and there were some doubts in his eyes, and he seemed to be thinking about who the person would be.

After a while, Li Tianyou glanced in the direction of the people, "Oh", his eyes lit up and said, "Uncle Bai is here."

With Li Tianyou's shout, everyone had different reactions when they heard this sentence.

Qiantao didn't care to look at other people's looks, and the first reaction was to turn to look.


Isn't that man the same "little uncle" I met on the street last time?

Why is he here too?

Qiantao felt the strength on her arm suddenly strengthened, and looked at Li Hengzhi suspiciously, and saw his expression pause.

She could feel his hands clenching tight, as if she was enduring something.

Li Yunyan didn't laugh much tonight, but the arrival of this man made her face burst into a smile: "Xiaojing is here."

Bai Yujing came over: "I took the liberty to visit, didn't you bother you?"

Li Yunyan explained: "Xiaojing is passing Haicheng today, and I will let him come together. It just so happened that everyone hasn't seen each other for a long time."

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