You For Eternity

Chapter 285: What is your kiss? This is (3)

"Me?" Qiantao pointed back at herself, "Oh..."

Qiantao went over angrily, stood beside him and said, "I think the atmosphere is weird."

"Do you know the weirdness?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with me?" She thinks she is doing quite well! It's time to make a round, and he didn't lose face, right?

"You call his uncle, what have I become him?"

"Huh?" Qiantao dumbly said, "Isn't it... Uncle? Why don't you call Uncle?"

"His name is Bai Yujing. You can just call him Mr. Bai. I am not familiar with him, and he was not the one I invited. You should treat him as if he does not exist."

"Bai Yujing?" Qiantao thought for a while, "Could it be... the Bai Yujing of the Bai family in Jiangchuan?"

The famous Bai family in Jiangchuan?

Unexpectedly...their Li family is still related to the Bai family.

Although Jiangchuan is not far from Haicheng, it is not too close...

No wonder the media didn't pick up any gossip. It turned out not to be in this city, and it was well hidden.

The man she saw a few years ago was... the master of the Bai family, Bai Yuming?

I have been with my father over the years, and I have heard about the relationship between these rich and famous families.

"It's the Bai family," Li Hengzhi said, "he has nothing to do with us."

Qiantao looked confused, and couldn't understand at all. What does it mean?

Obviously it is the younger uncle, but it has nothing to do with them?

Seeing that she still didn't understand, Li Hengzhi took a sigh of relief, and his bent fingers flicked on her head: "Why are you so stupid? I said I have nothing to do with the Bai family."

"Oh it hurts..." Qiantao said with an unwilling look on her face while protecting her head, "What..."

She really didn't understand!

The relationship between the members of their family is complicated and confusing, and he never tells her, how does she know who is who and what is?

Li Hengzhi put the meat on the skewers and said, "He is the uncle of Nianxin, but not my uncle. Is that clear?"

The uncle of Nianxin...not his uncle...

For a moment, the family relationship became tangled in her head, and these messy relationships were all twisted together and couldn't get around.

After a long while, Qiantao, who was finally straightened out, suddenly realized, "Oh--! You and Nianxin... half-father?"

Therefore, Nianxin was born to Li's mother and Bai Yujing, Bai Yujing's brother, and Nianxin belonged to the Bai family, and Li Hengzhi was born to Li's mother and the mysterious man she had met several years ago who is still unknown... …


Maybe Qiantao, who had understood it, glanced at Li Heng silently: "Your circle is really messy..."

Li Hengzhi didn't say anything, but said: "You know it."


Why did Nianxin follow Li's mother's surname?

Did Li's mother get a second divorce?

Still trying to figure out the truth of the matter, his forehead was shot again, saying: "Don't think about it, these things have nothing to do with you. You married me, not the Li family, let alone the Bai family."

"That's right!" Qiantao smiled, relieved.

Oh, why do you figure out so clearly? Anyway, it was the Bai family, Jiangchuan was not close to Haicheng, and she would not move to Jiangchuan. If the Bai family hadn't landed in Haicheng like Bai Yujing, she would never see them in her life.

"But I have another question about you, can you ask?" Qiantao looked at him and said.

"Ask and listen."

"You just... don't seem to be right. Since the Bai family has nothing to do with you, why do you seem to see Bai Yujing a little weird? Do you... have any hatred?"

After asking, Qiantao knew that he had asked the wrong question, because Li Hengzhi seemed to have been touched, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his voice became colder: "Don't ask later."

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