You For Eternity

Chapter 306: You are testing my concentration (2)

Qiantao's eyes flashed, and she shook her head: "You can't kiss me."

The man said...

Can't let men other than him touch her lips.

What about now? Has his lips been kept?

Sheng Ming didn't really have to kiss her. He took a bottle of wine and sat down beside her, "Sister Tao, do you know how beautiful you are now?"


Don't know why, he actually saw these two words on her.

He couldn't understand why the two people before and after could change so much, she didn't know which heartstring was touched.

But this kind of her, there is another indescribable beauty, and her whole body exudes an aura that makes people want to approach unconsciously.

Qiantao tilted her head and touched the wine bottle with him: "I'm always beautiful. Don't you like me just because I look good? I know you are prosperous... a man loves me at first sight, but It’s all about seeing it, you have wanted to sleep with me since you were young..."

After speaking, he smiled, a little silly.

"I admit, I want to sleep with you," Sheng Ming glanced at her and smiled undisguisedly, "Which man doesn't want to sleep with the woman he likes? Qiantao, can't you promise me once?"

Qiantao took a sip of wine, her cheeks bulged, and shook her head at him. After swallowing, she propped her head, tilted her head and said, "If it was five years ago, maybe it could be."


" reason, some people have something, and if you miss it, you miss it. You and me... it's impossible in this life."

"That might be the case, how much has passed in this life, how do you know that you will not be mine in the future?"

Although she smiled, there was an unnoticeable sadness in her eyebrows. If Sheng Ming hadn't been close, he might have ignored it.

"What the **** is wrong with you? What are they doing with you? Tell me, I will never forgive them!"

"No... they didn't do anything to me, a few fighting scums, they still can't do anything to me..."

Qiantao drank a lot of wine decadently without saying anything. Sheng Ming was afraid of someone hitting her on the idea, and was always by her side, drinking with her.

She wanted to go to the bathroom, so Sheng Ming helped her over. He waited outside, standing in a place facing the air-conditioned sober, and waited for a long time without seeing her coming out.

For a long time, he couldn't wait and went straight into the women's bathroom, scared the two girls who were washing their hands and rushed out.

There was only one closed compartment, so she was sure she was inside, and she knocked hard: "Qiantao! What are you doing in it?"

She did not respond. Sheng Ming was afraid that something might happen, and kicked the lock between the grids and pushed the door in: "Qiantao——"

The expected fainting did not happen. There was a lot of space in the cubicle. She sat under the hook, hugging her knees, and her hair was a little messy.

This scene is too lethal.

"You--" As soon as he squatted down, he saw two lines of tears streaming down her cheeks, distressingly, and wanted to wipe them off, "What happened?"

"Sheng Ming..." Her dehydrated lips opened slightly, "If I wasn't as perfect as you thought, covered in flaws, would you still like me?"

He nodded without thinking: "Of course—"

"You won't," the water vapor in her eyes moved, her smile was a little pale, " one likes a murderer."

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