You For Eternity

Chapter 333: Desk play(5)

Turn over each one and confirm one thing.

These photos are exactly the same as the photos that Tongtong showed her. In other words, the source of the photos of Li Shan and Minister Ma circulating on the TV this him?

It means that the person who helped her vent her anger was not Sheng Ming, but he?

No, Sheng Ming must have done something too, but at least these photos were done by Li Hengzhi.

Seeing this, Qiantao was a little startled, and the little anger he had had before disappeared.

In the end... what did he secretly help her do?

A shadow suddenly flashed in Qiantao's eyes in a daze. He looked up, and when he saw the man standing in the doorway, he stood up suddenly in fright, and the photo in his hand fell to the ground.

She backed away in a panic, almost knocking down her chair, and for a while she didn't know how to face him: "I..."

Huh... It's so scary at night.

Didn’t you say you won’t come back?

This kind of feeling is that when a horror movie is the most tense, a horror scene suddenly appears, making people miss a beat.

The lack of expression on Li Hengzhi's face was one of the terrifying points.

It’s not good to do bad things, guilty! He opened his drawer without authorization, moved his things, and the most important thing was that he was caught upright by others. It's really a back...

When Li Hengzhi walked to her, her feet seemed to be frozen, unable to move away, and a hand pressed on the desk trembled slightly.

He looked down at the photos scattered on the ground, and said nothing, his big palm covered the back of her trembling hand.

His power suppressed her tremor. The warm feeling coming from his palm made Qiantao startled. It was a strange feeling...

Her lips were gripped by him, who was slowly pressing over, and stroked her lips.

Qiantao:? doesn't play cards according to common sense!

The familiar feeling made her nervousness disappear.

He just stuck to her ear and said, "Do you think that if you look at some photos, I still want to kill you?"

Seeing her frightened look just now, he didn't find it funny, but was a little weird in his heart.

She should fear him so much to be so afraid.

He was very close to her, he had just returned from the outside, his body was still hot, and his cheeks were a little hot against her.

"I... didn't mean to watch..." Qiantao lowered her head slightly, wishing to give herself a big mouth.

She didn't know why. She couldn't control herself when she saw him, especially at the scene where she was caught.

"Even if you want to see it on purpose, so what?"

"Hey?" She raised her head suddenly and looked at him puzzled.

Li Hengzhi pulled her body and opened the cabinet to make it larger, and drew a few things out of it, "This is a ledger, you can take it if you want to read it."

"..." The ledger?

"Don't look at me like that, I just want to tell you, as the hostess of this house, you have the right to look at any thing in this house. You don't have to secretly look at it. Next time you want to see it, and look at it openly, understand?"

So... he didn't want to blame her just now?

That's so scary!

Suddenly, Qiantao bit her lip and shook her head slightly.

I don’t know very well, why are you suddenly giving her such a big right...

"What do you want to see? I'll find it for you." As if to show that he was not joking.

"No..." She shook her head repeatedly, and slapped herself with a big mouth in her heart.

Be sober, this is just a sugar-coated cannonball!

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