You For Eternity

Chapter 336: The face exactly like her (1)

For the safety of his sister Peach, he must detain this woman, Lynn, and won't let it go without asking her purpose.

Sheng Ming came to their cellar, opened it from above, squatted on his mouth without putting down the ladder, and asked provocatively: "Do you want to understand?"

Lynn looked up, hungry and cold, and his voice was slightly softer: "I really didn't want to harm her Sheng Shao..."

"Refusing to recruit? I think you haven't figured it out yet. Anyway, you can't die anymore. You can stay in it for one more day! It's really dead...It's okay, no one knows you are here, I Quietly bury you behind the mountain—"

With that said, Sheng Ming had already closed the cellar.

"Young Master Sheng--!" Lynn called to him anxiously.

She knew that Sheng Ming could do everything, maybe she would really die here.

Sheng Ming's movements stopped, and he looked at the dark inside: "Do you want to understand?"

"I just want to confirm who she is! I have no intentions!"

Lin En's words made Sheng Ming stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Young Master Sheng, you let me out first—"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. If you don't tell me, you can shut it down—"

"Don't!" Lynn thought about it and said it wasn't a big deal, "She looks like my former boss."

"Your former boss?" Sheng Ming squatted at the entrance of the cellar, the more he heard this, the more strange.

"Don’t you know, Shao Sheng, I’m not from Haicheng, my hometown is Linshui. I committed a crime there, and I had no way out, so I came here. After seeing her the day before yesterday, I stayed here. , How could there be two people so similar in this world... so I wanted to figure out what was going on, so I followed her."

"Then what did you find out?"

"I stayed with her for one day, she is Mayor Qian's daughter?"


"Is it really just like..." After Lynn came to this conclusion, the whole person was a little bit tired, "I thought... the boss is back..."

Indeed, it was strange to see Lynn in the bathroom that day, she was mostly serious. But he still didn't believe it easily, "How do I know if what you said is true or false? I will let you out casually, what should you do if you harm my sister Peach?"

"I won't! Just look at her face that is exactly the same as my boss. I can't get it off." Linn suddenly thought of something and touched himself, "I have a pendant here, the picture is very small. It’s been a few years, but if I can see my face clearly, it can prove that I haven’t lied."

"Throw it up."

Sheng Ming opened the pendant, and it was indeed a picture inside, and he was taken aback.

The two girls in the photo were fifteen or sixteen years old, very young, wearing sailor suits, the photo was very old, some yellowish, and the face was a little fuzzy, but he still recognized one of them at a glance.

That... really exactly the same face as Qiantao.

She was like this when she was fifteen or six years old, but this school uniform was obviously not the uniform of the sea. He had seen her wearing the uniform of the sea.

It turns out to be... so similar!

If they met on the main road, he would not be able to tell.

Lynn would not have thought that he would be locked up, so this photo could not have been prepared in advance, that is to say... the person in the photo really exists.

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