You For Eternity

Chapter 352: My wife didn't say we were married? (1)

The black shadow walked into the light, and Li Hengzhi raised his eyes and took a look. After seeing the person, he still looked as if it had nothing to do with him.

Li Hengzhi's light reaction was a kind of contempt for Sheng Ming.

what's the situation?

Sheng Ming was young and energetic, and he hushed when he saw this: "Mr. Li, do you put me in your eyes?"

Anyway, he appeared as one of his rivals. Can his indifferent look be more obvious? It hurts self-esteem too!

"What's the matter with Young Master Sheng?"

"Can you respect me? Can you heal Mr. Li?" Sheng Ming exasperated, "Don't you ask me why I am here? Do you know who sent Taozi to the hospital? "

"Since you said that, of course it is you."

"Of course it is me? Can you give me the reaction that a genuine boyfriend should give? Xiao Yuanhang's reaction is bigger than you!"

If it was Xiao Yuanhang, he would give a warning when he came up, and then he would do it. Then, would it be normal communication between rivals?

Now this kind of contempt that is not in the eyes is something a man can't bear!

Or does he feel that he is not a threat to him at all?

Without waiting for Sheng Ming to think more, Li Hengzhi let out a sudden smile at the corner of his mouth, which made people have to think about it. It was just a sneer and contempt.

"What Sheng Shao wants to say, is it a sense of crisis? A sense of crisis..." Li Hengzhi's mouth curled, "A man who is not confident in himself will have a sense of crisis. She has few friends, and Sheng Shao does it. One of her only male friends, I will not stop you from coming together."

"Are you looking down on me?" Sheng Ming was agitated.

"No, how can I look down on Sheng Shao."

"You obviously think I can't get you over, right? Li Hengzhi, how much do you think you know about Taozi? I know her a lot longer than you know her! I know her better than you."

"But..." Li Hengzhi paused, "Now she is my woman."

The translation is: what if you have known her longer? She is not mine yet.

"Okay! You can do it!"

Sheng Ming had no experience in dealing with people like Li Hengzhi. In the past, he had encountered little people. When he saw him, he was automatically short. How could there be such a momentum and confidence as Li Hengzhi?


"Fuck, who praised you!" Can't it be said that it is angry?

Faced with Sheng Ming's unruly, Li Hengzhi didn't care, he meant to leave, and didn't care whether Sheng Ming should stay here.

Sheng Ming couldn't bear it, he was a man! "What do you mean? Just throwing your own woman away, do you think I really dare not do anything to her, or do you feel confident that she won't like me?"

"I went to the doctor to talk about the condition and will be back soon."

"...I wiped it, who asked you this?"

Sheng Ming felt alive and vomiting blood.

Li Hengzhi turned his back to him, and the corner of his mouth twitched, as if all Sheng Ming's actions seemed to him to be just childlike nonsense.

Soon, his smile disappeared: "Master Sheng, I only warn you once. If you dare to use any means to her, I don't mind letting you know what I have to do with Li Hengzhi. As for whether she would like it Fuck you, that is her choice, I will not interfere."

After Li Hengzhi finished speaking, he left, leaving Sheng Ming to stand alone at the door, angrily.

"Fuck... I really don't believe you are so open-minded! Damn, I don't even put I in your eyes!"

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