You For Eternity

Chapter 383: Don't want to know our relationship? (2)

Bai Yuming is like the typical head of the family, majestic, solemn, and irresistible. A pair of owners of the Bai family had a car accident in their early years. Bai Yuming, who was only 20 years old, took over his father’s financial rights. He had ancestors and younger brothers who had not yet grown up. He developed the Bai family to its current status. People can shake.

After Bai Yujing grew up slowly, Bai Yuming gradually retired and taught him hand in hand. Even though Bai Yuming is the head of the family, Bai Yujing has more power than him, and the Bai family is almost under his control.

When people think of the Bai family, the first thing they think of is Bai Erye.

The eldest brother is like a father, everyone knows that Bai Erye respects the eldest brother very much, as long as the elder brother orders, he will do it.

Since Bai Yuming spoke, Bai Yujing was even more reluctant to give in, and immediately grabbed Li Nianxin from his seat.

Li Tianyou sat aside, wanted to help, but was arrested by his father.

They are all under the eaves, and remember that other people's family affairs cannot be managed, let alone the white family. Anyway, it was just for Nianxin to see her grandfather, not to kill her, not to take care of her.

"Forget it," Aunt Li said to her son, "The old man wants to see Nianxin too, nothing else."

Qiantao looked at Li Hengzhi again, but he still didn't respond much, as if he wouldn't stop it.

Hmm...Anyway, it's just to see Grandpa. If you intervene at this time, it will seem like a fuss?

Reluctant Li Nianxin was caught by Bai Yujing at this table, staring at him, very dissatisfied.

"Let you come to see your grandfather, did you feel wronged?" Bai Yuming put his chopsticks on the table and said in a serious tone.

"Brother, Nianxin is just in a bad mood, don't scold her." Bai Yujing helped her speak.

However, Li Nianxin didn't buy it, and threw his hand away, and didn't know where the anger came from, so he sprinkled on him.

Qiantao swallowed silently and couldn't understand...Even if they encountered something like that in the afternoon, Nianxin was in a bad mood, but why did she have such a great resentment against Second Master Bai?

She looked at Li Hengzhi again, calmer than her, and finally couldn't help but leaned over and asked quietly, "Aren't you helping Nianxin?"

He also lowered it a bit and said: "It's okay, Nianxin is just **** off, it doesn't matter."

"Oh..." Qiantao nodded to express her understanding, but in fact she didn't understand at all, but she was confused.

"Yu Ming!" Grandpa Bai said solemnly, "Don't scare my little great-grandchild! Nianxin, come to grandpa."

Li Nianxin walked over slowly. Everyone moved their positions. The servant brought a chair and placed it between the old lady Bai and Bai Yuming.

As soon as she sat down, she was hugged by Grandpa Bai, but the baby asked, "Who bullied Nianxin? Tell your grandfather that grandfather asks Yu Ming to avenge you, or let Xiaobai go. Do you like Xiao Bai very much?"

Everyone in the room watched. Some of the Bai family's branches saw this scene for the first time and realized that the rumors were true. The old lady seemed to like that wild girl very much.

Xiao Bai, isn't it the second master Bai?

No one has ever dared to call him that. It was the first time they heard the old lady yell like that. The old lady usually called him Xiaojing. When did he call Xiaobai?

Obviously, this is the name often mentioned between the old lady and Li Nianxin.

"Er Bai?" Qiantao asked Li Hengzhi quietly.

He nodded.


The majestic Second Master Bai is called Xiao Bai?

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