You For Eternity

Chapter 408: Only Li Siye's grace (5)

His words made her feel relieved, smiled slightly and nodded: "Hmm!"

In a short while, the doctor Bai Yujing sent over hurried over.

"Let me come, auntie, it's not serious."

Qiantao leaned over and carefully took out the glass **** around the wound with tweezers. While moving, she comforted him and said, "Does it hurt? I'll blow it for you."

Li Hengzhi: "..."

When is he kidding?

Only she had such a tone.

"It hurts, not enough blowing, is there any painkiller?" he said.

The doctor did not leave, and immediately replied: "Mr. Li, painkillers are not good for the body. It is better to bear this pain."

Qiantao understands him, and when he hears that, he knows he is making trouble. The big man, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't even hum, pretend it hurts now.

"Give you some color and you will open the dye shop?" After processing the glass slag, Qiantao began to make disinfectant potion. "If you ask if you hurt, it hurts? I just ask you politely."

"Mrs. Li, for whom do I suffer this injury—"

"Ouch..." The doctor was a traditional middle-aged aunt, and she couldn't bear this scene. It was too sudden! Why are young people playing like this now?

For the lips that Qiantao suddenly sent up, Li Hengzhi's eyes glided with a smile, bit her lightly, and teased him.

If there is no one beside them, some people have noticed here, and they call the people around to look.


Li Siye, who never acted excessively intimately with women in public, actually showed his affection in public! Since then, who has doubted his sexuality?

It's just that when someone reacted and wanted to take this scene, Qiantao had already retreated and continued to help him clean up the wound. This time, the disinfectant solution and the stinging sensation on the wound did not make him frown.

He laughed jokingly and said, "It seems that the painkillers are working."

The doctor aunt said that this is the "pain reliever" that Mr. Li wants?

The city will play!

"It will soon fail."

"Today's weight has been used up! Mr. Li, you can relax, today is the home of Bai Erye, don't steal the limelight."

They were originally a little dazzling, and they were noticed everywhere they went. If they played with affection in public, they would really become the focus.

After pasting the gauze and adding a few layers of fixation, the doctor aunt boasted: "The little girl has learned it. The steps are correct."

"Common sense, yes."

"That's not the case. Nowadays, the little girl is afraid of death when she sees blood."

"Not all girls are afraid of blood."

Their conversation caught Li Hengzhi's attention and looked at her sideways.

Qiantao didn't notice his gaze, pressed a few lightly, and said, "Mr. Li, you are a glorious injury. You will not regret your choice today!" She smiled mysteriously.


If he chose to benefit today, she might have died here. Qianyi who knew the truth would never forgive him for the rest of her life.

He didn't know that Qiantao had made a choice in his heart because of his choice today.

"I can't say it now, I will tell you later." She laughed.

Qiantao who got up was suddenly pulled into his arms, "Then what happened today, will you tell me later?"

The doctor aunt didn't see it, so she packed up and left.

Qiantao pretended to be stupid: "What's the matter?"

"Pretend to be stupid? Be lenient, or should I check it myself?"

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