You For Eternity

Chapter 417: The dress dyed red with blood (4)

At that moment, Qiantao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at his firm side face, feeling a little pain in his heart.

Is she... distressed?

On the stage, Li Nianxin took the microphone and turned to Bai Yujing.

She wore a simple white dress, which was not so gorgeous and did not have any flamboyant decorations. It was simple, but it made people shine and was very comfortable.

After putting on makeup, the face is not so haggard, smile, beautiful and lovely.

"Uncle, you are finally getting engaged, I'm so happy for you."

Seeing her smiling face, Bai Yujing was not in such a good mood.

After hearing the words she said in the past two days, how can he calmly understand her words?


Are those tears and anger a joke?

She obviously... expressed her emotions to him in that way, how could he be considered unaware?

In the past, he did think that she was just a prank between children, but this time she was reunited, she was too abnormal, he always felt that there must be other reasons for her to leave for so many years, what exactly it is, I don't know.

She pretended that she really didn't like him, indicating that she really listened to what he said and took it to heart, but why...

Feel a little weird in my heart?

Li Nianxin's acting skills are quite good. She controlled her emotions well on stage. Except for the few people who knew, no one doubted their relationship at all.

Her blessings were all taken as sincere, and the prospective aunt Lan Fei couldn't help smiling and was very satisfied with her little niece.

Li Nianxin turned to the guest seat and said, "I have always liked being with my uncle. I think, my uncle is the most handsome, man and best man in the world, right?"

The Bai family knew it, not surprising.

But Qiantao and the others listened, but only felt a little bit sad.

Some people answered "yes" in pieces.

"So, I am so happy that I can find the most important half of my life! Of course, I am also very sad, because in the future, I have any secrets...I can't share it with him."

She looked at him sideways and couldn't help but wet her eyes after speaking.

But even so, no one thinks something is wrong and understandable.

Bai Yujing has been listening quietly, his expression is different from anyone.

He always feels...

He seems to have lost something faintly.

"It's okay," Lan Fei said with a smile, who found no abnormality. "You can share with me in the future. We can be girlfriends."

Li Nianxin turned to laugh, wiped away his tears, and said, "Look at me... it spoiled the atmosphere. Uncle got engaged. I should be very happy. I'm sorry, Auntie."

Lan Fei hugged her: "Okay, don't cry, silly girl, I will take you to make up."

After Yubi, she led Li Nianxin to prepare to step down.

Bai Yujing turned sideways, his eyes followed closely, thinking about something absentmindedly, he couldn't even hear people around him talking to him, and behaved abnormally.

Li Nianxin wiped away tears, and also wanted to step down to sort out his emotions.

She ran into the emcee because she couldn't stand firmly and stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Lan Fei asked her.

Li Nianxin's expression was a little strange, she turned to look at the emcee, but accidentally met Bai Yujing, who was looking at her.

She turned to look at the emcee who was walking towards him again, thinking about what would have been on him just now.

She couldn't hear Lan Fei's question, and Li Nianxin suddenly ran back: "Uncle!"

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