You For Eternity

Chapter 433: I am Qianyi's mother (10)

Li Hengzhi returned to Qiantao's side, hugged her and asked, "What are you thinking about alone? What did Gu Xi say to you?"

That kid...

He is silent.

"Don't worry about what she says."

Qiantao smiled, "She didn't say anything."

He probably thought that Gu Xi was as open-minded as he was at the dinner table last time, so he said something to her.

"She just said... to invite us to her engagement wedding."

No wonder I just told him about getting a wedding...

"The kid talks nonsense."

"Don't you think it's a child's nonsense? Just like Bai Erye's thoughts about Nianxin?"

Li Hengzhi's eyes sank, as if he understood something.

Not to mention the man who stood up like them, she is herself. Seeing Gu Xi's age, she will feel like a child in my heart, not to mention...

Qiantao thinks that his psychological age is much higher than that of his peers.

"Forget it," Li Hengzhi looked back, "Since Nianxin has Bai Yujing watching, I will take you to meet someone."

Qiantao grabbed his wrist and walked away, and asked a little unexpectedly and suspiciously: "Who see?"

"I'll know when I see you."

They did not leave this hospital.

Judging from the signs along the way, he seemed to take her to the psychiatric department.

In fact, she knew that this was only the name of a branch, but seeing those three words, she was still inexplicably upset! Looking up at Li Hengzhi's back, his mouth has collapsed.

The baby is not happy! The baby is not mentally ill!

Li Hengzhi stopped suddenly, turned his head and saw her appearance that was too late to put it away, and smiled all of a sudden: "I am taking you to see a doctor, not asking you to die. What is so tragic?"

While they were talking, the door in front of them opened, and Yu Zhitong just came out to face him, and was stunned to see this scene.

She really felt that he had changed, as if he was not the Li Hengzhi she had known before.

The moment he saw Yu Zhitong, the smile at the corner of Li Hengzhi's mouth closed, as if something was isolated.

Qiantao was also very surprised when she saw her, "Sister Yu, why are you here?"

Isn't it said that Yu Zhitong is Nianxin's sister? She couldn't call her Miss Yu, because she looked strange, so she called her sister.

"I heard Hengzhi said that you are coming over, and I wanted to pick you up for fear that you were lost. I didn't expect you to have arrived."

"Go in." Li Hengzhi kept holding her, like a parent who was afraid of losing her child, and walked past Yu Zhitong.

It turns out that Yu Zhitong graduated from a medical university, and she has a classmate and friend who works in this hospital.

"There was a patient who became ill temporarily, and she hurried over. You may have to wait."


Yu Zhitong poured a cup of hot water for each of them and sat in front of them.

Qiantao took a sip of water and complained in her heart, false and serious...The two people pretended to look alike. Didn’t you have a good chat at the engagement party?

"Um... I'll go to the bathroom." Qiantao stood up with an excuse.

"Sit down." His tone was colder than he was outside the door.

Idiot, what are you saying again?

"Oh..." Qiantao muttered in her heart and sat down silently.

Just sit down, why are you so fierce...

Although at this moment he seemed to have become Li Hengzhi before, but Yu Zhitong felt that something had changed.

He is fierce, but fierce and soft, I don't know if he has discovered it.

She smiled: "Your young couple have such a good relationship, I really envy you."

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