You For Eternity

Chapter 451: The mayor’s daughter is a junior (8)

"Although you don't look much alike, but a closer look, the nose is the nose and the eyes are the eyes, there are still similarities..."

Once I accept the setting that Qianyi is the love crystallization of my cousin's cousin, it doesn't look like everything changes!

Qianyi tweeted a drink and gave up: "Okay, so my only doubt at the moment is, why are my eyes blue? Obviously the eyes of the big boss are amber, does uncle know?"

"I know, but I won't tell you." Li Tianyou chuckled.

"You beg me~" Before this sentence came out, Qian Qian nodded a little, indicating that he knew it.

"Don't ask?" Li Tianyou was a little surprised.

"╮(╯▽╰)╭ I asked you and didn’t talk about it. Anyway, I’ll know."



Because she took too many days off, Qiantao added a shift to herself and stayed until nine o'clock in the evening.

In the open office, there were still a few people working overtime. Seeing Qiantao came out, she immediately stood up and said hello.

"I'll buy coffee, do you want it?"

"No need, Minister Qian! Let me go! How can I let you--"

"Okay, I'll go, you guys continue."

After Qiantao left, the rest of the people talked a lot.

"Actually... She is not that bad, right? It's easy to get along with... Are we misunderstanding her?"



At this point, there are also a few people who come to buy coffee. Qiantao is behind the two girls. Looking at the uniform, it seems that they are from their TV station. I don't know which department it is.

"Really?" They were chatting.

"Of course it is true! My uncle heard it with his own ears! Said it was Mrs. Li!"

"Oh my God... President Li actually got married? Mrs. Li... That means there can be no fakes?"

The affairs of the rich have always been unclear, but the name "Mrs. X" is definitely the name of the palace empress.

"Then Chief Qian of our station... Isn't she..."

The other shrugged: "Little San."

"Then it seems that we have nothing to play... The mayor's daughter can only be a junior, don't we even have a round of four, five and six?"

"Your coffee, thank you, and welcome next time."

"I don't want to be a small four, small five, it's shameful--ah! Qian... Minister Qian... I... we..."

I was so scared that I spilled my coffee.

"I'm here to buy coffee," Qiantao, who heard the gossip, was calm and calm, "Seven cups to take away, thank you."

The two of you look at me and I look at you, pushing each other, not knowing what to do. One of them was pushed to Qiantao's side by the other, and had to say: "Chief Minister...we..."

"Okay, I don't want to know, just don't spread it on the station. If something goes wrong, you will be at your own risk."

"Yes Yes!"

No explanation is necessary. Even if she tells them that she is Mrs. Li, who would take it seriously in this case?

"Mrs. Li" is a figure unknown to the public. Without evidence, it is difficult to prove herself.

The next day, the staff of these two separate departments stood in front of the TV station early in the morning and waited. Qiantao bowed and apologized as soon as he appeared, and then clarified the relationship: "Director Qian! It's really not ours, we Did not say a word! Really, we swear!"

"It spreads?"

The two hesitated and nodded.


Anyway, the rumors about her have always been fascinating. It will be the same for a while, just get used to it.

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