You For Eternity

Chapter 453: The mayor’s daughter is a junior (10)

"He knows! The matter at the engagement banquet of the second master Bai has already been spread. People in the upper class know that Li Hengzhi is married!"

In this way, the rumors of the engagement between Li Hengzhi and Xue Miaomiao are self-defeating.

At this time, outsiders are spreading that although Xue Miaomiao’s identity is unique and worthy of Li Hengzhi, since he has a wife who can hide for so many years, it can be seen how much he values ​​his wife and protects it so well, no one knows. Her true identity.

"Dad just doesn't want you to be hurt, but I know that you are so smart and you can't be kept in the dark. You knew it!" Xiao Yuanhang grabbed her shoulders hard, "Taozi, are you crazy? ! Knowing that he has a family, you still get involved with him, and you even gave birth to him! What do you want to do? Use the child to threaten him for divorce?!"

"Enough Xiao Yuanhang! I told you to leave my business alone!"

"Yuanhang, what do you want to do to your sister, don't be confused!"

"Hanging! What are you doing? Hurry up! Open the door! Hurry up and get the spare key!"

As soon as the door opened, Sheng Ming rushed in, grabbed Xiao Yuanhang and kicked it: "Damn! Who made you move my woman?!"

"Ah! Long voyage!" Qian Churui immediately rushed forward.

There was blood from the corner of Xiao Yuanhang's mouth. He wiped it, looked at Sheng Ming, sneered and said, "Your woman? Sheng Ming, stop dreaming, she will never be your woman!"

"Hanging! What are you talking about!"

"She already has--"

"Xiao Yuanhang!!" Seeing that he seemed to say something about Qianyi, Qiantao shouted angrily.

The people in the whole house are inexplicable.

She already has...?

What's there?

When Qiantao shouted that, Xiao Yuanhang was intercepted and did not continue. Wipe your mouth and stand up. He didn't say anything, just choked with Sheng Ming: "Not only I have no chance, neither do you!"

"Voyage!" Qian Churui glanced at Qiantao and chased it out.

Sheng Ming shrugged: "Unexplainable."


"Forget Dad, I'm fine, maybe Chu Rui is pregnant recently, he is under a lot of pressure, I will leave first, Sheng Ming will send me back, don't worry."

"Then be careful on the way."


In the car, Sheng Ming kept asking: "What on earth does Xiao Yuanhang want to say? You already have it..."

He thought: "You already have Li Hengzhi? You already have...hiss... Are you pregnant? Li Hengzhi's?"

Qiantao didn't explain, he said, "Could it be yours?"

"I think so!" He pondered, and touched his chin, "But what foot does Xiao Yuanhang jump on? It's a past tense anyway. I'll grab it if you want to grab it. He is a married man, so much care. What are you doing?"

"If he understands, can he still pester me?"

"En..." Sheng Ming looked at her and nodded, "You have to be blamed for this. You are so beautiful, and you attract bees and butterflies! How annoying should always be with Li..."

"Sheng Ming, Qiantao is dead, do you understand? I am not the woman you like. I have many shortcomings and I have done many bad things. I am not a good person, let alone a good woman. You like me What, can't I change it?"

"I just like your face, otherwise you disfigured it?" He suddenly approached and "bombed" her face off guard.

Qiantao raised his hand to wave a fist: "What are you doing!"

"Eh!" He hid and hid, "make your husband jealous!"

Qiantao was stunned, turned his head and looked, not far from the door of the apartment, I don't know if it was her illusion, there was a Gemini CEO whose face was so dark.

Before getting out of the car, Qiantao gritted her teeth at the people in the car: "Sheng Ming, I will kill you one day!"

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