You For Eternity

Chapter 481: Then get divorced (8)

"How come, why would mother not want her daughter, wait for father to return, and take you to see mother, okay?"

"Really?" Xiao Weiyang's voice was a little brighter.

They didn't listen to the following conversation anymore, because Qianyi held her hand back and back, the little person, at this time, seemed to have a lot of strength, and kept pulling her back.

Qiantao couldn't bear it, and picked up Qianyi and went upstairs.

Qiantao went back to the room and locked the door. Qianyi's tears fell after a long time. It made her feel distressed, which made her feel more distressed than that night.

"You didn't tell me that I already have a younger sister..." Qianyi's voice was hoarse, in a state of wanting to cry, but holding it back firmly.

Tears kept falling, Qianyi's little hands kept wiping away the tears. He didn't want to cry, but couldn't help it.

Qiantao didn't know how to comfort him.

She also knew it this second...

Her blow is no less than Qianyi.

Wei Young is three years old, which means... her previous guesses were correct.

He has a daughter, after she had a thousand one.

Because of Qianyi, Qiantao's eye sockets were also wet, and she smiled and comforted him and said, "It's okay... Even if you have a younger sister, Dad will hurt you very much."

"But Wei Young is my younger sister..." After saying this, Qianyi couldn't help but burst into tears.

Qiantao accident, Qianyi heard it?

"I don't want her to be a younger sister... I don't want Wei Young to be a younger sister..."

Qiantao is sad, but feels helpless and a little funny.

In a sense, is Qianyi lost both "love" and affection?

She cried and laughed, touching his head: "It's also pretty good... How cute Wei Young is."

"I don't want my father, nor my sister... I only want my mother..." Qianyi hugged Qiantao and burst into tears sadly.

" by one don't cry, don't stop, don't stop..."

Qianyi soon became sad, wiped his tears, and looked very strong, and resolutely resolutely said: "Don't want him! Bad guy!"

Seeing Qianyi like this, Qiantao didn't know what to do and laughed helplessly.

If she had heard this secret alone, she might have been shocked, but now, she was all thinking about how to reduce the harm to Qianyi, and she had no time to take care of her feelings.

"Good, bad guy, don't want him, mom will find you a good father again, okay?"

"No dad!" Qianyi was extremely determined this time, "Men are all bad things!", you will become a man too.

I've never seen Qianyi like this before, and Qiantao rubbed his little head in desperation.

At this time, Qianyi suddenly looked at her seriously and said, "Qian Xiaotao, don't be with him anymore, divorce! I will support you."

"Haha..." Qiantao was amused by Qianyi all of a sudden, "Don't worry, baby, even if we really get divorced, my mother can afford you and won't starve to death."

"Then divorce, I don't like you being together anymore, I don't want my mother!"

"Don't be afraid of Qianyi, there won't be such a day," she said confidently about this, "you will always have only me as a mother."

"I don't want to recognize such a bad person as my father!" Qianyi got up, holding her face and said, "You must never tell him that if he takes me away, I won't have you."

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