You For Eternity

Chapter 503: The child is gone (10)

Qiantao retreated to the wall, and the scenes at the time rushed up all the time. She clung to the wall and kept shaking her head. Both hands hugged her head and screamed: "! "

"Patient! What's wrong with you, patient?"

She pushed everyone around her away, crying frantically, "Ah...ah..."

She was like a madman, covering her ears, howling like crazy.

Everyone is at a loss, retreats and dare not approach, is injured by a mentally abnormal person, how uneconomical?

She felt her whole world spinning.

Until a hand grabbed her over, the force was too strong to resist.

Without seeing anyone, she felt his broad arms first. She embraced the little girl in her arms, held her tightly, rubbed her head, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am here. You See who I am?"

Finding that she was not in the ward, Li Hengzhi was anxious, and ran out to find her in a hurry. He heard her howling from a distance, and ran over without delay for a second.

What did he see at that time?

She is like a wounded beast, roaring and roaring, isolating herself from the whole world, and she does not want to be approached by anyone.

This kind of her made him feel distressed more than ever before, and his heart seemed to be caught, and only the pain was left.

He very selfishly hoped that she was Chu Nian, not Chu Chu, and that the hurt and pain that Chu Chu had endured would not happen to her.

Not at all.

"Ah..." Even though she was held in his arms, she cried out in disintegration.

"Don't cry... it's okay..."

Li Tianyou rushed to the ward and was shocked to see this scene, and Li Hengzhi turned his eyes back.

When her mood improved, he picked her up, went all the way back to the ward, closed the door, and didn't let anyone disturb her.

He sat on the bed, let her sit in his arms, and held her like this.

Qiantao leaned in his arms, still remaining emotions, but the howling had turned into a low sob, she bit her hand, her tears still fell uncontrollably.

He just dried her with his sleeves, and it came out again.

She was terribly frightened, crying, her body still trembling.

She did not go to see Li Hengzhi.

She knew it was him, she remembered his voice, remembered his embrace.

The person holding her was Xiao Yuanhang eight years ago, but now it is him.

"What have you gone through..." He felt that he was going crazy, he was really going crazy by this little woman. He would rather bear her pain together than see her like this.

"Sister..." Qiantao opened her mouth trembling, tears falling again, her eyes lost focus, "I went out from here and saw the body of my sister..."

There was indeed a dead body that had not been rescued just now flashed past him, heading for the morgue.

He knew she was not talking about now, but eight years ago.

"You still have a sister." He pretended that he didn't know yet, and slid away her messy and drenched hair.

She endured the cry and nodded: "Well, my twin sister..."

He didn't want to ask any more.

He didn't want to know who Chu Chu and Chu Nian were his sister.

"Would you like to sleep for a while?"

She curled up in his arms, as if inaudible, bit her nails, choked up: "My sister... fell in front of me... I watched her fall with my own eyes, and I couldn't catch her. ......Woo......"

His heart was broken into thousands of pieces.

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