You For Eternity

Chapter 505: You really think you are Mrs. Li (2)

She didn't mean to think about these things on purpose, but suddenly everything seemed to happen again, summoning her dusty memories.

"My stuff..."

She suddenly looked for her drop tag.

She has already lost her own, and can no longer lose her sister's!

That's sister... the only proof of existence in this world!

Li Hengzhi held her, "Don't worry, I will give it to you."

He put the things under the pillow and knew that it was important to her, so he put it next to her.

Take it out from under the pillow and put it in her palm: "You almost lost your life to get it back. Don't be so stupid next time. No matter how important things are, your life is more important."

Qiantao held it tightly, tears falling into her palms, and shook her head violently: "No, it is more important than my life."

Seeing her like this, Li Hengzhi chose to remain silent.

The timing was wrong, he couldn't tell her that their child was gone.

This is already the case, tell her the news again, I'm afraid it will be a bigger blow, I'm afraid she can't bear it.

After Qiantao calmed down, knowing that he must have seen the words on it, he took a deep breath and sighed, "My sister and I each have a piece...I actually—"


When she wanted to tell him the truth, Li Hengzhi did something unexpected for her.

His slender index finger touched her dehydrated lips.

She raised her eyes to look at him, with some doubts and puzzles in her eyes.

"If you are dead, let the scar exist, don't go and uncover it. Although you will still be afraid of it, I will guard you."

He also doesn't want to know her past, anyway, just remember that when she is scared, he is by her side, can't it?

He has such an expression that makes people want to believe and also want to rely on him.

Qiantao retracted her gaze a second before losing her heart, holding the tag in her heart, being held in his arms without speaking.

Will not……

He will not guard her forever. They are separated by a woman and a child, which is why they cannot be together forever.

She may not be so bold, nor so much initiative, but one day, she will leave him.

Before that, she couldn't give her and her heart completely to him, because if she did that, she would suddenly lose his presence in her life one day in the future, and it would be like a plant without sunlight, and there would be no way to survive. .

Li Hengzhi gently wiped the cold sweat from her face and said, "Let's lie down first."

She kept holding the thing and didn't let go, so he lay down with his support.

Li Hengzhi called the doctor and told him a few words not to mention the child's affairs, and give her a nutrient solution, and leave it to rest.

"I'm fine," Qiantao lay there, reluctant to continue the infusion, "I hate the hospital..."

"Hold on for another day, and I will take you back at night." He said like a kid.

"Can't you go back now?" Qianyi should worry about her.

As if he could rely on her for everything, but this matter just couldn't be compromised, he shook his head solemnly: "No, this is a nutrient solution. You can sleep well and take you home when you wake up."

Seeing no discussion, she closed her eyes obediently. However, he suddenly remembered something and grabbed his hand: "You shouldn't have a fight with Ye Shao because of me."

He shook his head.

Indeed not, because he who can do it will never speak.

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