You For Eternity

Chapter 537: Hello, Mrs. President! (5)

Glory International Conference Room.

A certain project has been discussed for a long time. In general, they should have entered the blackening mode long ago, but today it seems like...

Feeling pretty good?

Seeing that there was no discussion about the reason, Li Hengzhi simply stood up: "Let's do this today. Everyone is tired. Go back and rest and continue tomorrow."

Everyone's eyes widened.

Even Yan Hai felt a little weird.

Without doubt, Li Hengzhi strode out of the meeting room.

Chief Secretary Qiao Qian bumped into Yan Hai: "What's wrong with the big boss? Gossip?"

"I also find it strange..."

In the past... Don't even think about leaving get off work today! Is there a rhythm of amnesty?

"Could it be..." Josie squinted her eyes.

"Josie, do you know any gossip?" The other executives also asked, "You are the big celebrity next to President Li. Is the happy event near President Li recently?"

"Is that rumor true? Glory Group has a boss?"

Yan Hai received the message and opened it. The girl at the front desk downstairs sent him a message: Brother! The girl from the HC TV station came back last time and said to call for President Li, can you let it go?

Josie, who is very tall in high heels, can see clearly as soon as she probes it, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Go, meet our boss."

"Eh Josie—"

No wonder the president didn't even hold the meeting, it turned out that the wife came!

However, how can they watch this kind of scene!

After Yan Hai and Qiao Qian went out, the executives also stood up: "Have you heard, madam boss! Go and take a look!"


She is fine at his company, but since the period of interviewing him, she has brushed her face. The girls at the front desk know her, so even if she came directly without an appointment, they would welcome her with smiles and let her Sit, serve tea, sit and wait.

VIP elevator.

The elevator car reached the bottom.

It opened with a "ding" and closed it again by him, turned around, and dressed up for the image reflected from the inside of the bridge.

The tie seems crooked? No, try again.

When did the cuff get coffee stains? No, just take it off.

The elevator door suddenly opened, and the two shareholder executives standing at the door were taken aback for a moment: "Oh! President Li... Are you going to go up or..." Come out?

"Cough..." Li Hengzhi cleared his throat and nodded to them.

Seeing them retreat, they stepped out.

The elevator door closed again, feeling uncomfortable, put on the suit again, twisted a button, and walked toward the lobby.

"Mr. Li..."

Hearing everyone's greetings, Chu Chu turned his head.

He walked out of it, dressed in a very solemn formal attire, the big boss's aura at a glance, and walked towards her.

I don't know why, I don't feel so worried and worried when I see him. I just know that when I see him, it feels like he's in a good mood, and the corners of his mouth are raised unconsciously.

Li Hengzhi's mood is probably so complicated.

He didn't want to show any difference in front of the company's employees, he kept his expression tense and serious. But the moment he saw her, the eyebrows unconsciously stretched out.

The scene of yesterday flashed in my mind immediately.

She is crazy, beautiful, and fascinating.

Not paying attention to so much, the body couldn't help but walked quickly in her direction, suffering for a second.

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