You For Eternity

Chapter 582: Chu Chu VS Ye Yunshen (15)

"I don't want to go back again..."

She didn't indicate whether she believed him or doubted him, but shook her head: "Ye Yunshen, let's separate here. From now on, I will live or die. It has nothing to do with you. Live your life well."


"Don't come here!" Chu Chu turned around and yelled at him resolutely, "Don't come here..."

Before the police arrived, Chu Chu had already left the scene.

"Ye Shao! We received the call-where is the perpetrator?"

Ye Yunshen hadn't reacted yet. Everything happened too suddenly. He stood there and suddenly had a terrible feeling that he might... never see Chu Chu again, right?


She just mentioned death... What if Chu Chu can't think about it?

"Find it! She must have not gone far!"


Thunder, lightning, violent storms.

On such a rainy night, Chu Chu fell numerous times in the mud, got up, and moved on.

She didn't know where she was going. Over Dongshan, it was another small town. Even if she escaped from Linshui, where would she go?

His eyes were blurred by blood and the path in front of him became blurred. The dark night and heavy rain made this road more difficult.

Chu Chu slipped on her feet and rolled down the main road. She knew that the policeman at the foot of the mountain was definitely looking for her, and she didn't want to go back and surrender. Climb up.

"Crack—" A thunder split open in the dark, as if God was telling her sins, scared her hand slipped and almost rolled down.

Chu Chu gritted his teeth, trembling all over, closed his eyes and swallowed fear, climbing up little by little amidst the thunder.

She finally climbed up, touching a hard object with her palm.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, and for a second, she saw what was in her hand, it was...

Under the dark night, it could not see the words on it, but with the other hand, she fished out the tag from the clothes. She felt it with both hands, and her heart suddenly shook...

Even if she can't confirm again, she still has a strong feeling that it...

Sister must be back!

She has been to Linshui! And also came to Dongshan!

Thinking of all this, Chu Chu seemed to have strength, grabbed the tag, and ran forward.


This is her only remaining faith now!

Even if the next second is hell, she will see her again before going to hell!

Chu Chu ran too fast, stepped on a small stone under her feet and fell to the ground. At this moment, a light appeared in front of her, accompanied by a crisp voice with a little fear: "Who...who is there? ?"

Chu Nian took the photo with a flashlight, but was not sure, and even started to move back.

Chu Chu raised his head and Chu Nian pressed the umbrella back. The moment the two looked at each other, they were both startled.

Chu Chu never thought that she would actually meet her sister Chu Nian under such circumstances, and Chu Nian did not expect that in such a dark rainy night, she would meet someone who looked exactly the same as himself, but even had the same clothes. !

That is almost herself, if it weren't for her embarrassment and blood on her body, she would think she was looking in the mirror!

Chu Nian was stunned, and stood there stupidly, confused.

But Chu Chu looked at the tag in his hand and cried with joy.

It's sister... It's really sister!

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