You For Eternity

Chapter 657: Reincarnation is a technical job (1)

Seeing what Chu Chu was thinking in a daze, Li Nianxin grabbed her hand and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, he will take care of it with my brother. He will not let anyone hurt you. ."

"Well," Chu Chu came back to his senses and smiled at her, "I know, I feel relieved to have him there. Do you know, besides my sister, your brother is the only one of me who completely handed himself over to him People who trust him, rely on him, don’t worry about anything."

"Your sister's relationship should be very good... or twins."

"Well, although it was a child, I always remember that my sister has always been like a protector in my mind. Although we are the same age, it is because she was born ten minutes earlier than me and became my sister. Took the responsibility of protecting me."

About Chu Chu, Li Nianxin saw some news on the Internet, and later asked her brother specifically for verification. She knew the general idea, but this was the first time she took the initiative to mention this to her.

Was her twin sister who died to save her?

"Do you know how our father died?"

Li Nianxin shook his head.

"Your brother shouldn't know about this. Not only he doesn't know, but the people in Linshui shouldn't know. Because it happened when we were five years old, the materials of the orphanage were burned down again, and few people paid it back. I remember that year. Actually, I don’t know. My sister and I were hiding in the cabinet when the accident happened. I was afraid of covering my ears. My sister was holding me and covering my eyes, but she seemed to have seen everything, including the murderer. Looks like..."

Li Nianxin's eyes widened, this is...

They never heard her talk about her family, and she also thought that she was an orphan since she was a child, didn't she?


Their father was murdered?

"Then...has the murderer caught it?"

"No... Then we were sent to the orphanage. I was timid, and my sister had always been with me. She comforted me countless times. Even if my father was gone, she would protect me. I had a dream later. When I saw me sleeping in a daze, my sister told me something, as if... she saw the murderer, but she can’t tell."


"There is no way to know now... My sister is gone... but I thought about it, it should be to protect the two of us. Isn't it safer to not know about some things?"

She thinks it should be so.

"I guess that the murderer is an acquaintance, we all know each other, but my sister saw that she could identify it, but she lied and said that she didn't know anything. According to my current thinking, my sister knew that we were children at the time, and the confession might If it is not adopted, even if the murderer is pointed out, he may not be able to catch him. If the murderer escapes, my sister and I will be very dangerous. It's just a guess. My sister was still a child at the time. Can she think of this? But the sister was actually a child. She's very smart. Relatively speaking, I am stupid. I am not as fast as her in learning anything. My dad also said that my sister is like being a little mother. She takes care of me and protects me. She is more mature than me, maybe this is true... …"

What was the answer, she would never know it for the rest of her life. Together with the appearance of the murderer, it became a permanent secret.

Li Nianxin listened, wondering: "What about your mother?"

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