You For Eternity

Chapter 683: Say, how many husbands do you have (2)

"Really..." Chu Chu was still a little bit disbelief. "That was all seven years ago. Do you really remember what I wear and what hairstyle I wear?"

Had it not been for a photo of her playing in her room, she would have forgotten it.

"Is it because I checked the information a few years ago and only remembered it?"

"You met me when you were fourteen, wearing a white shirt, light-colored jeans, with scattered hair and crossing your shoulders."


Chu Chu was surprised, because it was so long, she didn't remember it, could he really remember?

"I was just a passer-by to you at that time. Do you really remember so much? If you remember all the things that have appeared in your life, wouldn't the memory palace in your mind continue to be expanded?"

"Of course not everyone," Li Hengzhi smiled slightly, "Do you think how many ‘passers-by’ I kissed the first time I met in my life?"


Uh...Is this too?

He said: "Because of the deep impression. But now that I think about it, the intersection between us is much more than we thought. Once, we may have passed by countless times."

Chu Chu smiled and asked jokingly: "Then you said, did I play particularly well, so I took your heart away?"

"How is it possible," Li Hengzhi still asked the truth, spooning soup in her bowl, "drink it while it's hot. You were only sixteen years old at the time, and to me only a child, how could I be a beast against a child. "

Appreciation does not mean to go and get it.

He only saw her profile face, and did not ask anyone to adjust her information afterwards because it was unnecessary. He only knew that she was the mayor's daughter, and later learned from friends that the youngest girl had won the honor of the first lady, so he followed it with a compliment.

After that, she was still a passerby, and she never paid attention to what she looked like.

If it weren't for Chu Chu to provoke him, perhaps, they wouldn't have a deeper intersection in their lives.

"Hey, you are only seven years older than me, I am sixteen, and you are twenty-three, as old as I am now. What a child is not a child... I am still a child!"

However, Chu Chu paused after speaking, but why did she leave him an impression of a mature man in her mind when she was fourteen years old?

He was only twenty-one at that time, obviously it should be the impression of the little brother next door, cute boy or something...

Well, it seems to have nothing to do with Mr. Li.

A faint smile crossed Li Hengzhi's mouth: "When I was sixteen, I was already the founder of the Honor Group, twenty-three--"

"Stop--" Chu Chu pursed his lips, preventing him from further harming himself.

In front of the great god, his achievement that shines in the eyes of ordinary people is not worth mentioning at all! Li Hengzhi casually picked up a small achievement to kill her in seconds.

In order to prove that she is a child of the same age and he is not, there is no need to fight like this. Life has been so difficult, why bother to break it!



Chu Chu finished the bath and went downstairs. Li Hengzhi and Qianyi were already sitting on the sofa and ready. Chu Chu chose to sit on Qianyi's left, so Qianyi became the middle one.

It was a beautiful picture of a family of three. Qianyi suddenly said, "Daddy, you can watch TV with Mommy, why should I watch it too?"

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