You For Eternity

Chapter 731: Wish to promise

"It seems that my analysis is correct, you really fell to save Qian Churui."

After the incident, he immediately asked Yan Hai to adjust the surveillance video taken by all the cameras on the scene, and watched it carefully several times. Because of the angle problem, the view was not very clear, but it can be roughly judged from the action, Chu Chu She has already escaped, and will be dragged down together to save Qian Churui.

Coupled with his understanding of Chu Chu, this must be the case, and he has no doubts about it.

Hearing what he said, Chu Chu guessed something: "So now everyone is saying that I can't understand Chu Rui, right?"

"It's just nonsense."

Chu Chu rubbed his still a little dizzy head and looked at him on one side and said, "I know, I was awake when the incident happened, and I heard those onlookers discussing it, but there was no time to argue with them."

Chu Chu touched his wound, shaking with pain. Li Hengzhi looked at it reproachfully: "Are you not serious about yourself?"

Forbidden to grab her hand, "I'm not a child anymore, and I can't stop touching the wound."

"Maybe the painkillers are too effective, and I didn't pay attention for a while..." Chu Chu muttered, "The culprit is still Qian Churui. Since I entered Qianjia, I have been uncomfortable with me everywhere. Now I feel that I am not my father's biological daughter. I don’t look down on me, and I don’t know how her noble appearance came from! She is all human, so how can there be distinctions between high and low? I have tolerated her again and again, and she still slapped her nose, right? Let me see her, otherwise—"

Seeing Chu Chu's aggrieved appearance, Li Hengzhi joked: "Then do you want to clean up her for your husband?"

"Can you?" Chu Chu smiled slightly, "Thank you, my husband, first."

"Don't worry about thanking you, you just need to tell me what to thank afterwards?"

After blinking, he lowered his head slightly and said in embarrassment: "The little girl has no money and can't return it. If the son doesn't dislike it, I would like to promise her."

The long finger slightly raised Chu Chu's chin, curled his lips and smiled: "Don't dislike it."


Chu Chu's ward is extremely luxurious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a presidential suite. There was everything in the main hall, but there was a bedroom in the side hall. Li Hengzhi took Qianyi in and fell asleep. He went back to the corner of the main hall and turned on the computer to work.

At about three o'clock in the morning, Chu Chu woke up after a sleep, seeing that there was still light in the corner, and Li Hengzhi was still not asleep.

She was awake for a while, and then asked softly: "Why haven't you fallen asleep?"

She coughed first and made a little movement to attract his attention, so as not to make a sudden noise in the dead of night and frighten him.

"Is it annoying you?" He looked up and looked around. "Or the screen light is too bright?"

"No! That light is nothing, and it's not noisy. Except for thunder, nothing can wake me up from my sleep. Husband, don't be too tired. Go to bed early. If there is anything important, I will deal with it tomorrow. "

"It doesn't matter, it just happens that I can't fall asleep."

Chu Chu thought for a while, and said, "Then...I just happen to have a question for you."

"You ask."

"How did you know about Chu Rui's fake pregnancy? How can ordinary people check these after this happened?"

Li Hengzhi asked: "Am I an ordinary person?"

Chuchu smiled: "Oh, not ordinary."

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