You For Eternity

Chapter 734: I really knew it was wrong this time

"It's not a big deal. I can also call the shots. I'll take you in when the time comes."

"Well..." Gu Tong hesitated, "Next week is not the time you can leave the hospital... The CEO said, I want you to live for a full month!"

"You really take his words seriously? I'll be discharged as long as I'm fine. I live for a month. I'm so long!"


The celebration banquet of "Starlight"... how could she not go?

Although the couple worked together to create super high results this night, things in the entertainment industry are always inaccurate. Even if there is "Starlight 2", they may not have time to continue shooting the sequel. The next cooperation is really not I know when it's time. I missed this celebration banquet. I am afraid that the couple will get together at night until the year of the monkey.

She must not miss it.

Three days later, at some noon, Li Heng made a phone call outside, causing Qian Churui to sneak into Chu Chu's ward.

After seeing her, Chu Chu knew that, in fact, for the past ten days, she and Liu Hui had wanted to come in and see her, but they were stopped by Li Hengzhi, and they were not allowed to approach Chu Chu.

When I met, I knew why Li Hengzhi stopped her.

What they did this time completely angered his father, and his father wanted to divorce Liu Hui!

Chu Chu's eyes widened when he heard this.

Of course she did not expect that the matter was serious enough to be divorced.

Qian Churui knelt in front of her hospital bed, crying and confessing: "Sister...I really know I was wrong this time... Go and persuade Daddy. Mommy has been introspecting for many days at grandma's house. She also knows that she was wrong. You can help us to say a few good things, don't let him divorce Mommy..."

Chu Chu bit her nails, thinking.

Although she really doesn't like their mother and daughter, things don’t seem to be divorced yet...

Do you want to persuade?

"It's no use begging me for this... Dad is angry because of what you did, and it has nothing to do with me begging or not."

"No! Daddy listens to you the most, sister, you can help us to say a few good things, Daddy will definitely listen to your words!"

Chu Chu sighed: "You knew today, why do you have to do something like this? Chu Rui, you are the daughter of your father, and I have been tolerating you. Think about it, have I ever harmed you?

"Your mind is distorted. What you think you can't get, I got it, so I'm bad, and I'm against you. But have you ever thought that the things I get are all my own efforts? Yes, except for Xiao Yuanhang, it was borrowed from my sister, but you also hate my sister, don't you?

"Who Xiao Yuanhang likes? That's his freedom. If you don't change his thoughts about you, is it useful to have trouble with me? Isn't it useful in the end?"

"Nothing..." Upon hearing these words, Qian Churui seemed to be hit by something. She collapsed and sat down on the ground, repeating her words in a daze, "I thought all that I did was Yes... I thought that as long as Yuanhang hates you and hates you... Even if you disappear into this world, he will like me! As long as you are gone, you will no longer restrain him, isn't it right? Why not..."

"How could it be right?" Chu Chu was surprised at how rotten her thoughts were. "Why don't you think about it, if Yuanhang really likes me to the depths, even if you kill me, what can you change?"

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