You For Eternity

Chapter 792: I like you (1)

Li Tianyou is actually several years older than her, but probably because he always looks like a fool, and he is not as mature and stable as his cousin Li Hengzhi, so she sometimes does not feel the age difference between them. They are the illusion of the same age.

But at this time, Li Tianyou rarely revealed his very masculine side, causing Gu Tong's heart to jump wildly.

He held her hand tightly again, and asked again: "Do you feel it?"

"Feeling...?" Gu Tong only reacted and suddenly returned to his senses.

Her hand was on his heart, yes, his heart was pounding, puffing, as if beating faster than hers.

Her gaze turned to his face again and stared at him, "You..."

Li Tianyou didn't have a word, but instead looked at her with his own gaze that became somewhat determined, as if to say: Yes!

However, Gu Tong changed his style and blinked: "Are you animalized?"


"It's not that I told you that I have to stay in the hospital for a few days and have a good recuperation, but I am discharged from the hospital. Now the wound is cracked again. If it becomes infected, it will be troublesome!" The doctor frowned and scolded them.

"Yes, yes, the doctor has taught him the right thing, and we will remember it." Gu Tong looked like a good parent.

And Li Tianyou sat there like a good baby, letting the doctor treat the wound.

The doctor is a middle-aged man, quite gossiping, and said solemnly: "You are young, don’t take your own youth and go crazy. If you don’t raise your hands well, you won’t rule out the worst infection in the future. The possibility of amputation!"

"What?!" Gu Tong's eyes widened and he screamed, "Amputation still needed?! It's so terrible...but you can't be a doctor! He is also a doctor, how can he be a doctor if he has an amputation!"

"Are you also a doctor?" The doctor gave him a strange look, "I haven't seen it, isn't it in our hospital? Then you come to our hospital for treatment?"

"Doctor, there is no rule that doctors from other hospitals can't come here for treatment, right?"

"It's not stipulated, but there must be a reason?" The uncle doctor has keen insight, "Sneakly... OK, I don't care about you anymore, just to warn you, if you are a doctor, you must be clear. , I won’t tell you more. It’s not that you can’t have sex, but it’s not that I said you. Pay attention to your hands. Don’t forget that you’re a disabled person if you get too excited!”

"Encough cough!" Gu Tong seemed to be expecting sputum, " that! It didn't open the wound like that..."

What is it!

Originally it was just a small bleeding, just come back and deal with it. Who knows just now in the car, Li Tianyou didn't know what was wrong, suddenly forgot that he had an injury on his hand, hit the car with a fist, and the wound opened. .

"Understand." The uncle doctor put away all the tools, as if he understood.

Gu Tong thought, understand what a fart! Obviously it is the attitude of "I know I will not break you down"!

Li Tianyou, who had a sullen face, let out a chuckle, and then asked the doctor, "I don't know, doctor. Otherwise, what more time do you advise, is there anything else that needs attention?"

The uncle doctor took a look at them. Just about to speak, Gu Tong pulled up Li Tianyou who was sitting, and pushed it out: "Thank you, doctor, we are gone!"

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