You For Eternity

Chapter 796: Our young master is good everywhere (3)

Ji Xuan followed, and when she saw that she was walking to the VIP reception room, she felt a little confused.

She thought she would never come back here again after she did something wrong last time. Why did she call her over again today?

With the doubts in her heart, she stopped.

As soon as the foreman saw her, he frowned and said solemnly: "Today I will give you a chance to redeem your sins. You must take it well!"

"A chance for atonement?" Ji Xuan was even more puzzled.

"You must not offend people again this time!"


Ji Xuan caught the word all at once, "Zai" means...

Without waiting for her to think about it, the foreman continued: "Good health! Take care of you! If you make a mistake again, it is not as simple as punishing you to guard the door. You clean the toilet!"

Ji Xuan was pushed to the door by her, bulging her mouth.

Although the job is a bit dirty, if anyone touches her bottom line, sweep the toilet and clean the toilet. It is unbearable, after all, it is unbearable!

Ji Xuan knocked on the door and said, "I'm here."

As soon as she entered, the foreman closed the door for her, as if she was afraid that she would escape. I thought she was making a fuss, but after seeing the people inside, she understood.

Seriously, if she didn't want to continue working here, she would really turn around and leave.

The visitor turned out to be Sheng Ming!

Why is he here again?

"Oh, little maid, you are here!" Seeing Ji Xuan, Sheng Ming laughed. Of course, it was an unkind smile. He reversed his hand and hooked himself, his eyes were also very serious. Ecstasy, "Come here."

Ji Xuan went over, standing some distance away from him.

"Mr. Sheng, what can I do for you."

Sheng Ming was sitting, pointing to his shoulders and said, "The shoulders are sore, press me."

After being bitten by a snake for ten years, Ji Xuan was afraid of the ropes. She looked at him suspiciously and stood still.

"Eh, what are you doing in a daze?" Sheng Ming tapped the board with his knuckles, "Come and press it! Would you like me to call your foreman over to make you happy?"

Ji Xuan doubted it again, and still went around behind him and pressed him up, but she was very unconvinced in her heart, and muttered, "I knew I would find the foreman to press me."

"Of course, she can hold you down, why don't I look for her? If she can't hold you down, I'll look for the manager, and the manager can't hold you down, I'll look for the hotel executives, and I can still look for you no matter what. Brother Li, I would like to ask him how he learned hotel management and how he can teach an employee who spoils guests. It's really patience!"

Sheng Ming's sentence is prickly.

However, Ji Xuan had a bad impression of him, and his childish revenge behavior made her feel even more uncomfortable. She also said without showing any weakness: "If Brother Li knew why I splashed you, he would definitely praise me for playing well!"

"Oh, you said so badly, why didn't I see you go to make a small report? I never heard that your brother Li came to me to settle the account. You are just a little maid of the Li family, you think I don't know.

What happened to the maid? Brother Li never treated her as a maid!

She knew, if Brother Li knew, he would definitely stand by her side, so that he would not help Sheng Ming speak!

However, Ji Xuan did not bother to explain to Sheng Ming.

You can understand only when you talk to people. How can beasts understand human language? That's really impressive!

"En..." Rarely, Sheng Ming didn't find the fault this time, but he looked like he was enjoying, "It seems that you often massage your brother Li, and the technique is not bad."

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