You For Eternity

Chapter 799: Your boyfriend is so worried!

"Hey-little maid! Don't you really want the phone for nothing?"

Sheng Ming took the phone and walked to the door, watching Ji Xuan run away from the scene, and asked the foreman beside him: "Am I eating people?"


Running so fast, he won't eat her again!


When Ji Xuan returned to the staff lounge, Yang Yue had already packed her lunch and put it on the table. Seeing her back, he said: "What is the urgent matter? The foreman let you pass without even letting you eat? We are just small employees. We can't transfer without the hotel?"

"It's okay. Just a customer I met before, lost something important last time, let me go there."

"Don't think you took it?"

"No, just ask me, it's okay."

"The meal is cold, Xuan'er, you still don't eat it, go to the cafeteria and get another one. There must be left now.

"No, doesn't this have a microwave oven? I just need to heat it up."

After that, Ji Xuan poured all the food into a ceramic bowl and put it in the microwave for a few minutes.

Yang Yue stood aside and watched, shaking her head constantly: "Xuan'er, your days seem too miserable, right? Don’t save so much. It’s just a meal. The cafeteria is not expensive. How much does it cost for one serving."

"It's okay, no need, waste."

She stood by and waited, leaning on the table, and slowly closing her eyes.

"Xuan'er...?" Yang Yue suddenly called her with some worry, "Your complexion looks a little bad, are you sick? The hair is freezing? Don't hold on, you should go to the hospital or go. It's useless to listen to them talking nonsense!"

"I have a cold, no big problem."

"Then I have cold medicine. Take a pill and take advantage of the lunch break to sleep quickly! Maybe it would be better if you wake up."

"Thank you," Ji Xuan took it over, "I will eat after dinner."

The hot meal is not delicious for the first time, but now there is not so much demand, just eat it quickly, fill up the stomach, and take medicine to rest.

After taking the medicine, Ji Xuan lay on the lounge chair in the staff room to rest, adjusted the alarm clock, and told Yang Yue that if the alarm did not wake her, remember to call her.

After falling asleep, she vaguely felt that time seemed to have passed for a long time...

It seemed that I had slept for a long time. I didn't hear the alarm clock or anyone waking her up. I just felt like I had fallen asleep and didn't wake up.

Regained consciousness again, before opening his eyes, he smelled a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.

She suddenly became sober.

She is too familiar with this taste, because she has been weak and sick since she was young, and she has not visited the hospital many times. If it's an ordinary family, they can't afford it, because they live in the Li family. The wife and the young master are very kind to them. The cost of treatment is all paid by the Li family.

She knew she was in the hospital again!

Slowly opened his eyes, the image formed, and he looked around.

I seem to be in a VIP ward, with luxurious furnishings. It doesn't seem to be Glory Hospital...Where is she? How could anyone put her here?

"Patient, are you awake?" The nurse came in and saw her waking up, and he was relieved, "I have been in a coma, your boyfriend is worried to death!"

Ji Xuan wanted to speak, feeling that there was something squeezed in her throat, making it difficult to make a sound.


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