You For Eternity

Chapter 809: She is most afraid of seeing this ending

When the car goes on, it will really drive out of the suburbs.

However, Chu Chu's mind was messed up now.

For Ye Yunshen, her heart is very complicated.

Chu Chu was so quiet that Ye Yunshen's eyebrows were also frowned tighter. In the end, he couldn't help but say: "I have been thinking about our past."

Chu Chu was silent.

"When I first met you, you were so quiet and quiet, but it seemed to be different..."

Yes, it's still different.

At that time, Chu Chu had no hope for life, she was indifferent to the outside world, but now she is not. She just...

I don't want to talk to myself.

Chu Chu didn’t want to talk about anything in the past, so he changed the topic: “I just want to save some energy and find a chance to escape. Anyway, you’ve made up your mind. Even if I yell in the car, you won’t let me go. get off."

Ye Yunshen didn't answer, it was a tacit understanding.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Chu Chu just happened to look at it, it was a strange number.

When she saw the number, she was shocked.

That seems to be...

Li Hengzhi's number!

Because I only glanced at it and saw a few numbers vaguely, it was very familiar.

Ye Yunshen picked it up.

He put his left ear to listen, Chu Chu sat in the passenger seat, and could not clearly hear the sound from the other end of the phone.

Only know that Ye Yunshen has not spoken.

Suddenly, he said: "It doesn't matter."

After speaking, Ye Yunshen opened the window again and threw his mobile phone out of the car.

Chu Chu didn't look back either. He didn't know if the phone was broken by a later car, or it rolled into a drain on the street.

After driving for a while, Ye Yunshen couldn't help but ask her first: "Don't you ask me who called me?"

Chu Chu smiled bitterly, "Do you still need to ask?"

Li Hengzhi was the only one who left him speechless and lost his phone after receiving it.

"Since you know it is him, why don't you ask him for help?"

"Since he can call you, he must already know that I'm in your car. Even if I break my throat, he can't be here right away."

"You are still as calm as you always have, and don't panic when things happen."


It just depends on what happened.

"Li Hengzhi said, if I don't send you back, he will try his best to deal with our Ye family," Ye Yunshen said, "I said, it doesn't matter."

After speaking, he smiled.

It seemed ridiculous.

Chu Chu looked at him sideways, without saying a word.

How sad.

She is most afraid of seeing this ending.


Gu Yan took the computer with him and followed Li Hengzhi's car all the way past.

"Mr. Li, just ahead." Gu Yan said, raising his head and looking ahead, it was empty.

There was nothing in front, and the position hasn't changed afterwards. It can only be said that the mobile phone was abandoned by him.

At this time, Li Hengzhi received a phone call, and the atmosphere in the car that was already silent made people feel more and more unspeakable.

After answering the phone, he drove a short distance away. Gu Yan followed him out of the car and saw a silver car parked in front of them, another red car parked side by side, Josie leaning against In his car, waiting for them to come with arms folded.

Take a closer look, isn't that Ye Yunshen's car! The license plate number is exactly the same!

But Gu Yan quickly understood that Li Hengzhi's silence just now meant that what Josh brought was not good news.

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