You For Eternity

Chapter 819: Young Pian Pian (6)

I will pay her debt.

Chu Chu thought of this sentence many times, but didn't know what he was feeling.

They are obviously people from two worlds, and they have no intersection. Why should he take this mess on himself.

Chu Chu added a protective cover to herself, like a copper wall and iron wall, Ye Yunshen opened her heart with his warmth and gave her a new life and a new self.

Until she finally became his girlfriend, protected and loved by him, she still felt that all this was so unreal.

Fearing that the loan sharks would come back again, Ye Yun sent her back every day in the past few days, staying very late before returning to his home.

After a week of this kind of life, after confirming that loan sharks would no longer come, one day he happened to have something, so she let her pass by herself.

After dealing with my own affairs, I still wanted to see Chu Chu in my heart, so I ran across the mountains and rivers to see her.

It happened that that day, Cui Chenghua, who had escaped, returned, and forced Chu Chu to name the person who helped them pay back the money. Chu Chu knew what he was thinking about, that old man was full of dirty thoughts.

Chu Chu didn't say anything, it was another severe beating, and even the fire came from his heart, looking at her curled up in the corner, it made him excited, and he got crooked again.

Chu Chu actually didn't want Ye Yunshen to see her like this, but if it weren't for him to come that day, I'm afraid he wouldn't know what would happen.

In the end, Cui Chenghua, who was beaten up, began to sigh. Ye Yunshen didn't want to pester him, so he gave some money and sent him away. Cui Chenghua took the money and happily went out for fun, thinking about how to continue to swindle money from the **** of wealth in the future.

During that period, it became his daily task to accompany Chu Chu home, and it was rare for Chu Chu to spend a long time on his birthday.

Cui Chenghua didn't come back often after he had money. He often spent the night in casinos and nightclubs. He only came back once when he had no money.

He didn't mind that he lived like a beggar, greedily, non-stop, learning from Ye Yunshen.

Chu Chu actually prevented him from giving Cui Chenghua money many times, but the rogue scum said it was Chu Chu owed him. He raised her so much and spent a lot of money on food.

Ye Yunshen didn't want to talk to such a rogue. If he could solve it with money, he would use money to solve it simply and rudely, and buy Chuchu a safe life.

During that time, Cui Chenghua was kind to Chu Chu and stopped beating her. He would buy her food, clothes, and even expensive cosmetics for an unprecedented time. But Chu Chu knew that he had bad motives.

He was actually afraid that Ye Yunshen would get tired of her soon, so he had to dress her beautifully, and high investment would have a higher return.

Ye Yunshen meant that if he sent it, you would accept it.

Anyway, the money was searched from him, wouldn't it be good to use some on Chu Chu?

Although Chu Chu accepted it, she could hardly use it. She felt sick after Cui Chenghua's hand. In the end, all those things were sent to the orphanage and used by the orphans.

In order to squeeze more money from the Ye family, Cui Chenghua even used the most detrimental trick to administer medicine to Chu Chu, and tricked Ye Yunshen into the house in the name of Chu Chu, and locked the two of them in the house.

Chu Chu had a medicinal attack that night, she felt uncomfortable, and Ye Yunshen felt even more uncomfortable.

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