You For Eternity

Chapter 825: Don't you feel shameful? (2)

No matter how you deceive yourself, you still have to admit that the twisted melon is really not sweet.

What if she married him, she still couldn't get his heart.

My sister is married and married, but he still loves her.

I thought time could change everything, but after five years, he still doesn't love her.

Qian Churui walked in and found that he was sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the cabinet. The ground was upside down, and a bottle was either empty or unopened.

He was so drunk, he was still pouring alcohol into his stomach with his eyes closed.

Seeing Xiao Yuanhang who has consumed his will in this way, Qian Churui's heart is really uncomfortable.

She squatted down in front of him and grabbed his wrist: "Have a long way, don't drink! What's the use of torturing yourself like this? My sister can't come back anymore. Even if you drink yourself to death, you can't change anything! "

Xiao Yuanhang squinted his eyes and saw Qian Churui's appearance. Suddenly the corner of his mouth bends: "Peach..."

Qian Churui was stunned.

Before he could react, his body was hugged.

His body temperature is very high, his chin is on her shoulders, and his voice trembles slightly: "Peach..."

"I am not..." Qian Churui was startled, "I am..."

She should have known that he would be with her, not entirely to avenge Qiantao at that time, but even if they have no real blood relationship, sometimes the angle problem, she still looks a bit like Qiantao.

This is also the reason why she and her mother never thought that Qiantao is not Qian's family.

Qian Churui, who came to understand, smiled bitterly.

So... has he really never loved himself? Even a little bit?

"I'm sorry..." Xiao Yuanhang's hot tears slid into her neck and hugged her tighter. "I'm really sorry Peach... You forgive me... I will never fight with you again... How about coming back... …"

Qian Churui was held by him like this, speechless.

My heart softened suddenly.

In the game of love, whoever falls in love first, that person does not have the advantage.

No matter how many things she did to hurt others, how many lies, she loved Xiao Yuanhang, but she never changed.

She really loves him, from a very early time, not only because he is Qiantao, she wanted to **** him.

Qian Chuchu's words were not entirely correct. She discovered that she was also held by him at this time. It turned out that as long as he wanted, even if he didn't love her, she could stay by his side forever.


From various indications, Ye Yunshen took Chu Chu away by himself.

It wasn't to hurt her, it was just because the obsession was too deep, what he wanted to do was just to keep Chu Chu by his side.

Therefore, Li Hengzhi went alone.

Ye Yunshen came out to open the door, and just opened it, he was punched by Li Hengzhi and fell heavily to the ground.

There was no news of Chu Chu for a day, and his emotions vented on this punch.

The corners of Ye Yunshen's mouth broke immediately, bleeding a lot.

Although he finally let go of Chu Chu with a soft heart, but that doesn't mean that he can forgive what he did!

Ye Yunshen sat on the ground, wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, and smiled.

Li Heng stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar, his words full of anger. "Ye Yunshen, don't you feel shameful to do such a despicable thing?"

"Shameful?" Ye Yunshen laughed mockingly when he heard these two words. He was not laughing at Li Hengzhi, but at himself, "If I were more shameful, Chuchu would be mine."

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