You For Eternity

Chapter 841: Uncle seems to be dying (1)

Li Hengzhi walked out wearing a bath towel, took out a bottle of red wine, poured a glass and drank it to relieve the tiredness of the day.

"Very dangerous. It was very close to the explosion point."

"How could it be like this..." Chu Chu walked over and sat down on the solo sofa. "Could it be that they have planned for a long time? It's not like a temporary intention."

"Most of Jiang Chuan is from the Bai family. It is not easy to start. It is the most suitable time to pick him out of Jiang Chuan. If this person can mix with his people, he should have been lurking for a long time. wrong."

"Nianxin almost died last time, and this time it is Second Master Bai's turn. Is this going to continue?"

"At this point, there is no retreat," Li Hengzhi said, "The current status of the Bai family is not something that you can retreat if you want to retreat. Once you have succeeded in everything, it will start from the generation of Grandpa Bai Yujing and then to him. In this generation, how many lives have been spent in exchange for this monstrous power, and they are not only carrying their own destiny. Moreover, even if they retreat now, nothing can be changed. The enemies who were provoked before will be hidden because of them. If you retreat, let them go? Why don't you just keep going on this road, instead, you can save the entire Bai family."

"Isn't Nianxin very dangerous in the Bai family?"

"There is no way. Now the outside world knows that she is the daughter of the Bai family. Even if she breaks the relationship with the Bai family now, it will not help. Besides, now the white and blue families are married, their control is even greater. questionable."

There is no such thing as 100% safety at the bottom or top of the food chain.

After talking about the Bai family's affairs, he called Chu Chu into his arms, held her, and leaned against her. "It's really a troubled time."

A lot of things did happen today, from her being imprisoned by Ye Yun to Bai's house.

"Now it's all over."

Li Hengzhi took a sip of wine, hugged Chu Chu, lay down, and fed it to her.

Although she did not suffer any harm, the short-term loss of contact with her also made him anxious.

Ye Yunshen's too paranoid love made him unable to determine whether he would be crazy, lost his reason, and then made some uncontrollable mistakes against Chu Chu.

The short loss made him miss Chu Chu more persistently, and it was difficult to control the longing deep in his body.

When Li Hengzhi was intoxicated, he opened his eyes and saw that Chu Chu's face was not particularly good. He was born to endure, touched her forehead and said, "Forget it, I should be very tired today. Rest."

As soon as he got up, Chu Chu's slender hands grabbed his shoulders and pressed him down.

The bright eyes blinked, with a charming look in their eyes, and the corners of their mouths curled slightly: "It's okay, you can rest when you are tired. Just don't ask me to get up tomorrow."

Naturally, Li Hengzhi wanted very much, but he was not sure. He grabbed her chin and said, "Really? I won't stop calling you to stop later. Now is your last chance."

"Come on, who's afraid of whom?" Chu Chu smiled defiantly, confronted his heterochromatic pupils, and tore off the towel he was wearing, "I'm afraid of you and my surname Chu."

Li Hengzhi's left eye flashed with an icy blue coquettish light, and he narrowed slightly: "Well, your surname is Qian."


In the ICU ward, Nianxin has been guarding Bai Yujing and praying for him.

The numbers on the electrocardiograph looked very pessimistic, and had been undulating subtlely on the edge of danger.

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