You For Eternity

Chapter 855: I died once? (6)

Bai Yujing heard the words, but said nothing.

He thought about it for a moment, and apart from the words she just said, it really seemed that someone had been talking in his ear.

Although he couldn't remember what he said, he was vaguely certain that the person was right.

"Don't worry about me, go and watch Nianxin, and report back if you have anything."


Zhan Yan unconditionally obeyed Bai Erye's orders.


After Nianxin slept peacefully, she slept directly until the next morning.

Probably because she knew that Bai Yujing was okay when she woke up, she was completely relieved in her subconscious mind, so she slept comfortably until she woke up naturally and slept well.

The morning sun poured into her ward, as if she could still smell the fragrance of birds and flowers, the fresh smell of early morning air.

She opened her eyes, lying on her side, and seeing someone standing by the bed with her back facing her, she couldn't help but subconsciously shouted: "Uncle..."

Uncle can already go to the ground?

After thinking about this, she suddenly sat up in shock.

No, how long did she sleep?

"It seems that I haven't woken up yet, can I admit my mistake? But I will forgive you this time."

The sound that came into her ears made Nianxin turn her head and take a look: "Brother?"

Rubbing his eyes, it is indeed the brother.

Hey, why did she recognize her brother as Xiaobai...Even if they were about the same height, she wouldn't recognize the wrong person, it was embarrassing...

After Nianxin slept all night, she recovered more than half of her spirits. Li Hengzhi looked at her and felt relieved a lot: "This is my good sister."

It's really better now, and Bai Yujing is also awake, she doesn't need to torture herself like this anymore and doesn't take her body seriously.

"How long did I sleep?" She asked the same question as Bai Yujing.

"One night. If you are still tired, go to sleep, Bai Yujing's side, I will tell him."

"Hmm!" Nianxin shook her head, saying she was about to get out of bed, "I'm not sleepy anymore!"

"Lie down!" Li Hengzhi frowned, "No matter how anxious, I will finish this bottle of nutrient solution first! See how tired you have been these days! Also, this is Aunt Qin for you The boiled ginseng soup, after drinking it obediently, to replenish the body, it was not far from the last time I was injured, and I don’t know how to cherish my body."

"Oh..." Nianxin didn't dare to resist, so she had to lean on obediently and drank soup.

After drinking and hanging up, I looked at him with a pair of bright eyes: "Alright, brother?"

Anyway, I didn't want to leave her here, so I glanced at her: "Yes."

"Thank you, brother!" Nianxin was hung up with the nutrient solution, and now she drank the soup again, and she was alive when she got out of bed.

Seeing that she was okay, Li Hengzhi did not force her to rest.

"Wait, Bai Yujing has a fever, do you know about it." I was afraid that she would worry about it again.

"What?" Nian Xin stopped, her tone surprised.

"The wound worsened last night and he was infected with bacteria. The extensive burns caused his immunity to drop rapidly. As a result, he developed a high fever, which lasted all night, and he should still be burning now."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Nianxin yelled out anxiously, but quickly recovered, "Sorry brother, I was too anxious."

"It's okay." Li Hengzhi didn't care.

But Nianxin couldn't make it through, so she walked over and hugged him: "I love your brother, I will go see my uncle."

Li Hengzhi touched his sister's head and smiled: "Go."

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