You For Eternity

Chapter 858: Hormones around the corner (3)

Nianxin yelled softly, but Bai Yujing did not open his eyes.

Could it be that she had an illusion?

She gave up, just stretched out her hand, lightly pressed it on his forehead, and then placed it on her forehead, repeating the comparison, trying to see if the body temperature had dropped a little, but unfortunately she couldn't feel anything.

She suddenly remembered that a long time ago, when she had a fever, he caught her and touched her with his forehead, so that he could know more clearly whether the other person's body temperature was high or not.

So, Nianxin leaned down and learned his way to touch his forehead.

It's still hot...

Is physical cooling really okay?


Suddenly, the mind that was preparing seemed to be pressed down by some force, her leg bent, and her suspended body pressed against his body.

Her arm was caught.

It was this powerful force that pulled her down.

Facts have proved that even if Bai Yujing was seriously injured and had a high fever, speaking of speed and attack power, it far exceeded Nianxin.

In front of him, she was just a scumbag.

Nianxin didn't dare to move at this time, because her lips were touching the foul place—his lips.

She blinked her eyes, feeling all this in a daze.

His eyes slipped quietly and found that he was still closed.

It's weird... Then who pulled her just now?

Bai Yujing's lips were right beside her lips.

Nianxin swallowed fiercely.

Whether to take advantage or not to take advantage, this has become a problem.

She has a guilty mind, but there is no such guts to drive her to do so.

Nianxin got up a little bit, looking at the handsome face who was only a fist away from her, she couldn't look away.

If you do not seize this opportunity today, will it be impossible in the future?

Thinking about this, Nianxin lowered again in a ghostly manner, and his heart was bent, and his thin, cold cherry lips pressed against his.

Bai Yujing's lips became scorching hot because of his high fever body, which formed a sharp contrast with the cold thin lips of Nianxin.

The feeling of electric shock caused Nianxin's heart to tremble, as if a Su Su Ma Ma current rushed through her body.

Before she could react, Bai Yujing kissed her.

Nianxin was shocked.

Her little lips were easily pried open by him, and at this time, her heartbeat was beating extremely fast, as if it was none of her own.

There is also a sense of tension and excitement for fear of being caught doing bad things, which makes her hormones change.

In the next second, Bai Yujing's long tongue drove into her mouth, making Nianxin even more shocked. The moist tongues that touched each other stimulated the hormones in their respective bodies.

Bai Yujing also opened his eyes at this time, looking at Nianxin full of shock, but Nianxin was so scared that he almost had a cardiac arrest, and immediately ran to the bathroom, hiding against the wall.

so horrible……

too frightening!

Bai Yujing stared at the ceiling in a daze, the lingering warmth still remained between his lips, and the reaction on his body was still there. All this seemed so real, but why...

It made him feel too illusory as if he couldn't grasp it?

Are you dreaming?

In a muddle-headed manner, his brain was hot and dizzy, and he couldn't allow him to think about anything further.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the thoughts hiding in the bathroom still haven't settled down.

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