You For Eternity

Chapter 861: Hormones around the corner (6)

"I'm leaving, who will accompany you on New Year's Eve, Uncle?" Nianxin said with a smile, "This way, Uncle looks too pitiful, I'll stay with you."

"Lan Fei will come, don't worry about that."

The atmosphere that was originally good, after mentioning Lan Fei, became a little different.

After so many days, Bai Yujing's injury healed very quickly. The main reason is that his willpower is more than that of ordinary people, so even if he endures severe pain, he has to get out of bed and take a few steps a day to recover various physical skills.

It was already time for today's exercise during the talk, and Zhan Yan did not come over for a long time.

Nianxin assumed this responsibility.

Nianxin is different from Zhan Yan, Bai Yujing dare not put the weight of his body on her. She was always a weak and small concept in his eyes, and he was afraid that a little force could crush her.

Therefore, he must use greater strength to control his body.

It took several minutes, but he only went to the ground, and it took a few minutes before he walked only a few steps.

Before he was tired, Nianxin was already sweating profusely, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"I can't do it, uncle..." Nianxin surrendered quickly, "Let's go back to bed first, and wait for Zhan Yan back to continue practicing."

"I just said no, you have to try it."

Nianxin mumbled.

What he felt was wrong before, he would definitely stick to the end and would not compromise with her, how did she know? Once he compromised, she thought it was okay!

Nianxin helped Bai Yujing back to the bed, who knew her feet slipped and fell back.

Bai Yujing's body was too late to react. It was very stiff, so when she was driven by her, his whole body weighed on her.

Nianxin looked at the white flowered ceiling, frightened: "Little...Uncle? Are you okay?"

At the moment of crisis, he held her in this way. At that time, nothing would sound. The explosion was over at once, but now, in the ward of two people, they are lying down like this...

Bai Yujing could feel that the *** in front of Nian Xin's body was pressing against his chest. There was a burst of fragrance on her body.

That is her unique daughter fragrance, which makes people...

No way! What is he thinking? !

Bai Yujing, Bai Yujing, you have lived for decades in vain!

"you guys……"

What made the two of them react was a voice that suddenly broke into their world.

Bai Yujing looked up, it was Lan Ye, looking at them with amazement.

With their current posture, anyone who sees it will doubt that they are doing something vulgar.

Knowing that it was Lan Ye, Nian Xin was not in a hurry. He had always doubted their relationship anyway, and it wouldn't be a big deal to make him doubt more.

He is crazy, and someone should believe what he says!

Nian Xin was not in a hurry, but shouted at Lan Ye: "You still don't want to come over and help!"

Lan Ye couldn't figure out the situation, but it passed, pulling Bai Yujing away from her.

But now the second master Bai is very fragile. He couldn't stand up at all when he pulled himself like this. He hit one knee on the ground all of a sudden, his brows frowned tightly.


She knew that the unbearable pain that would make him frown must be more than ten times the pain she felt.

The tearing of the burned part of the body stretched his nerves at any time.

When Lan Ye wanted to help him again, he was forced to back away by Nian Xin's fierce eyes.

He put his hands in his pockets and shook his hands and said, "How do I know that the second master Tangtang can't even stand."

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