You For Eternity

Chapter 868: You want to kill me? (1)

Except for Lynn, everyone else nodded in contentment.

At this time, Gu Tong understood Chu Chuyu's meaning better.

Don't talk about exaggeration, it's faith.

But she can also understand that Chu Chu is very righteous, and her friend really deserves no comment. Not to mention, the original Chu Chu was different from the current Chu Chu. She had nothing and no worries, and her heart was stunned. I was afraid that it would be possible to sacrifice herself to perfect others.

Chu Chu came back, changed his smile and said, "I have a proposal."

Crowd: "?"

A few seconds later, everyone silently put a piece of wax on Fourth Master Li.

"Boss... okay?" Lynn smiled.

Others feel the same way.

Only Gu Tong smiled happily: "Suddenly I look forward to seeing Wuli Fourth Master Li's expression! It must be too dark!"

Chu Chu actually said, since she is not allowed to stay... then take all the friends over?


I don't know if he sees so many people waiting for him...Will the face be as black as the primitive tribe?

But what should we do? Everyone abandoned their family and chose to come and spend the New Year with her. How could she forget her righteousness and abandon her friends for her husband?

Since ancient times, it's hard to make both ends meet, uh... so be it...

"Boss, you don't care about us. We just want to see you so much and don't want to wait for another day to come. You don't have to bear the burden. It is still important on the side of the Fourth Master! If it makes you unhappy, then our sin is not big Yet?"

"That's right, boss... you don't care about us anymore, it's the same when we spent time with Sister En."

They all think about her so much, how can she really not consider other people's feelings?

Righteously patted his chest, and said in a magnificent manner: " doesn't matter! What's the big deal! The big deal...the big deal is nothing...hehehe, it's okay."

After Chu Chu finished speaking, he turned around and made a tragic expression.

The big boss can’t catch her in the past few days. He wants to give him a reason. He is going to be punished in Li style again...

Chu Chu bit her lip and looked at the ceiling and thought, how many worlds can't get a bed this time...

"Puff......" Gu Tong understood in a second, patted his thigh and said to them, "Yes, yes, don't worry, your boss was hired later, don't worry about her."

After speaking, they laughed happily, seeing them inexplicably: "What's the next move?"

"Cough!" Chu Chuqing coughed, "Nothing!"

In the middle of the annual meeting, the host called everyone together and said that the lottery was about to start.

But now all the small prizes are drawn, and the grand prizes have to be drawn until the end. If you can’t wait to leave first, there will be no chance.

Gu Tong won a small prize, five hundred yuan in cash. He was as happy as something, and immediately became a big fan: "Sisters, get up soon! I'll treat you!"


Chu Chu opened his eyes and took a look: "Hey... there is nothing, what does the number 8 mean? Eight yuan?"

She probed into the piece of paper that Gu Tong looked at. It was $500. There was no hint that there was no money in front of her 8, so it wouldn't be...

Everyone else's "do it again", obviously different from hers.

"Boss... what are you?"

"I do not know either……"


Gu Tong glanced at it and said, "Although I don't know what it is, but 8 eh, it doesn't seem to be obvious, it should not be a bad thing, keep it!"

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