You For Eternity

Chapter 894: I can't accompany you on New Year's Eve in the future (4)

father? ?

Nianxin was stunned.

What a joke, this cheap dad is not so pious!

Nianxin's brows frowned.

Why does his Lan Ye be Weiyang's father?

"Nanny, come here."

Nianxin walked over and pulled her into her arms, "He is not your father, don't bark."

"Why?" Wei Young blinked. "Dad said, our noses, eyes and mouths are the same, mother, look."

What to look at!

Who is not two eyes and one mouth!

Nianxin looked at her very seriously and said, "My daughter's father is not him."

"Then why did dad say it was my dad?"

Lan Ye was by the side, taking advantage of his thoughts, he took Wei Young back again: "Don't listen to your mother, what Dad said is correct. I am your father. Mom is angry with Dad, saying that he will take away the nanny. Up."

"Ah..." Wei Young nodded, seemingly understanding, "Don't be angry, mom, dad is super nice, he bought a lot of gifts for her! Cute uncle will play with me! Uncle Zhanyan doesn't play with her! ."

Nianxin: "..."

This little girl is too easy to buy!

Not long ago, she was still complimenting her little grandfather, but now she is the so-called "dad" again!

It seems that Qianyi is right, the little idiot will be abducted by the blame sooner or later.

"Nun, mother, say it again, he is not your father, do you believe him or mother?"

"But..." Wei Young frowned and said questioningly, "But he really looks like Dad!"

"...You haven't seen it before, but do you know it looks alike?"

Hehe smiled and said, "Nanny had a dream yesterday. I dreamed of my father. Today my father is here. He must be my father!"

It seems that the little girl is dreaming, but she has never seen her so-called father, how could she really dream of Lan Ye's appearance?

It was nothing more than that after seeing him today, he replaced the father's face in the dream, mistakenly thinking that he was really a father, and Lan Ye didn't know what he wanted to do, and he really admitted that he was.

Lan Ye touched Weiyang's head and said, "Good girl."

"Hee hee," Wei Young seemed to have really fallen, "Mom, Dad said to take me to see the fireworks!"

"Mom takes you." Nianxin said with a serious face.

She didn't want Lan Ye to have any relationship with Wei Young.

This man, she was inexplicably disgusted and didn't want to get too close.

Lan Ye was in a bad mood at first, but after coming over to see Wei Young, he immediately recovered, and looked at Nian Xin's ugly face and didn't get angry anymore.

Sure enough, we still have to look at cute things, Wei Young's cuteness cured him.

At least, in front of such a cute child, he will naturally not be so fierce, and he will not be so hostile.

"But... I miss my dad..." Wei Yang rushed into Lan Ye's arms and grabbed his neck, "I don't want Dad to leave again..."

The little girl's pitiful appearance made Nianxin very unbearable.

In Wei Young's world, such a role is needed.

Bai Yujing was kind to her, she knew, but the name was Little Grandpa, which was different from Dad.

Li Hengzhi has been her father for so many years, and she is full of longing for the person who is called father. Now that she meets Lan Ye, all the conditions are in line with father's standards, and the little girl naturally believes and longs Dad.

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