You For Eternity

Chapter 898: Passing by your world (3)

Gu Tong didn't know what to do.

Seeing Gu Tong's silence, Li Tianyou probably understood in his heart, and immediately changed his statement and said: "That's okay. I will look for a nearby hotel. It really doesn't work. A decent private hotel is fine."

"Eh -" Gu Tong shouted, "Since you have already booked... then forget it, you will have to deduct the handling fee if you refund it, it's not cost-effective, just squeeze it... otherwise it's too far away from Chu Chu and it's boring. "

Li Tianyou smiled: "Okay, then no refund, I'll book the air ticket for the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you!"

After speaking, Gu Tong ran away.

It's just that she responded like this, does he think she is a very casual and unreserved woman?

Li Tianyou called home: "Mom, I will take Tong Tong back for dinner tomorrow. My cousin and cousin should also come. The day after tomorrow, we will go to Sun Island together for a vacation, and we will come back after playing for two days."

"Okay!" Aunt Li responded happily when she heard it, "It's enough to play for two days! It's no rush to come back after playing for ten and a half months!"

"Mom... people who are going to work, come back in ten days and a half months, and have been expelled from the TV station."

"Open it, open it! Our family is afraid that we can't afford Tongtong? It doesn't matter if I tell you to open it, so that Tongtong won't have to go out to work. You will marry her back soon!

"Dear Mrs. Dean, have you ever asked the girl to agree? Besides, we only dated—" Li Tianyou almost missed, "We only dated for a month, so you should mention marriage. Be careful. Scared Tong Tong away, so the daughter-in-law who came to the nest soon disappeared!"

Li Tianyou scared Aunt Li by saying that, and he hurriedly said, "Okay, I promise, I won't tell Tongtong that there is nothing, son, come on! Go to Sun Island for fun, don’t be stingy, girl Buy her everything you like!"

"...Mrs. Dean, do you think you are more likely to fall in love than me?"


Qianyi had already fallen asleep on Li Hengzhi's shoulders, but when the fireworks were set off, he woke up. He turned around, leaned against his father's arms, and narrowed his sleepy eyes to watch the fireworks.

Colorful fireworks bloom in beautiful patterns in the night sky.

Chu Chu sat next to Li Hengzhi, holding his chin in both hands, and said with a smile, "It's so beautiful."

I have never seen fireworks since I was a child, but now that I look at it, things like fireworks still feel beautiful, especially when the right person is sitting next to me.

Qianyi didn't speak, his eyes blinked, and after yawning, he saw clearly, and his ice-blue eyes were bright and energetic again.

During the New Year, Mork will also set off fireworks, but the fireworks there are too simple and not as good as those here.

More importantly, he watched it with Qian Xiaotao at that time, and now there are more big bosses to accompany him. This feeling is very good.

Chu Chu turned his head, looked at Qianyi who was already awake, smiled in French and said, "Baby Qianyi, Happy New Year."

Qianyi also replied: "Happy New Year, Mom."

After speaking, Qianyi raised his head and glanced at Li Hengzhi: "Happy New Year, Dad."

"Well, happy new year." Li Hengzhi kissed his forehead.

At this time, he is the happiest person in the world, with his precious son in his arms and his love around him. Watching the fireworks together over the past year is the most meaningful thing he has ever done.

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